Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Happy December, Matey!

I've not been here in a month - time to catch up!  Cruising is sensational...meaning great and also wonderful for the senses.  I loved our trip to Central America...cruising the Caribbean, went with relatives.  What can I say to describe the feeling of traveling south, gradually entering warmer and warmer tropical weather, night by night?  There's no way to describe that mystery of a big moon and stars viewed from a stateroom balcony, with a scent of fresh hot sea breeze, warm as a hairdryer but humid and sweet with an inexplainable pure fragrance.  It's like time is non-existent and I was an explorer on a ship in Columbus' era, going to new lands.

Ship activities kept us so busy when we wanted to take in some action - and really enjoyable cool things to do everywhere - from the tribute acts by singers and dancers in the theatre, to the cool retro British group in our fave lounge where the female lead singer with her amazing voice sang Beatles and other songs while her talented male bandmates all had their fave songs to rock out to with their amazing voices - tributes to Stevie Ray, Elvis, and others...and passengers danced everywhere - in the lounges, in the atrium.  Every area onboard had its own musical vibe.

That was life on the ship - but the ports and excursions were so much fun and lovely!  We saw much culture and a lot of jungle.  Luckily I asked someone I was following because I took a wrong direction, left our party on a winding trail.  Corrected my error speedily - wouldn't want to be wandering in the jungle all night lol!

We shopped in picturesque seaside villages, beached (always a fave) sat by various pools on the ship as well, especially our favorite pool - and nothing seemed crowded ever, even the buffets where the legendary food lives up to the legend!

We didn't gain weight, that's a cruising myth in my opinion - too much to do!  Some nights we'ed just flop into our beds and fall asleep watching a movie.  Meaning "we" I shared a stateroom with Mom, twin beds.  She was a real trooper - kept up and had an awesome time.  This trip made us closer...after all the tragedy last year we needed this journey.  Sister, we thought of  you.

Here's a photo from our ship's stateroom balcony as we headed for Roatan, Honduras, and another photo below the first pic in Roatan near Sandy Bay where we watched a cultural native dance.

Aye Matey!  Have you ever been to sea?  It's in my blood.  I see another cruise in my future!  Thanks to all the powers of ocean, air, heat and earth!

I feel the voodoo
I know the jungle beat
I need your essence
Like jaguars when we meet

Friday, November 1, 2013

Cruising along

Hey all, I've been at the computer a lot recently but not at this site.  Mainly I've been trying to sell a book - yes, the same teen romance as I mentioned back in 2011 and so far some progress has been made which is encouraging!  I don't want to say too much here as my moniker is different, a new pen name for that book because too many people know MsMerlina - I want a fresh start with this manuscript.

I will be on a cruise coming up soon - going with Mom to the Caribbean - I don't want to reveal the dates except to say it is soon!

I'm feeling great, stayed with my decision to not go back to my old boyfriend - it's all for the best and maybe he'll quit the substances for his own well being and good health, in which case I'd say congrats and fare thee well.

Happy Samhain!

Friday, September 6, 2013

I'm back, sorry for my absence

Hey all you lovers of music, nature and life...I was away from the computer most of July and all of August except for checking my emails maybe a few minutes each day during that time.  Sorry if I worried anyone but I didn't purposely drop off the face of the Earth.

I met, once again, with a person who has been in my life off and on since 1974.  Yes, we we always sought each other, crossed paths, met up, separated, met up, went apart...a few times during those years.  We were again intensely together this summer...almost 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week...that's how it is with us.

We again encountered the problem of not being in the same dimension, or same space...although we really care for each other.  He's a brilliant and beautiful man, but whereas I met my demons, battled through and recovered, he is still battling addiction.  I can't do it, but the best thing was to refuse to do it all over again, and to let him know I still love him, and to let him go.

That's all.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Thank you, thank you very much, Elvis!

Last Saturday I was glad to attend the inaugural Elvis festival up in a secluded mountain campground resort area a few miles from my place.  I went with a few friends and we had a great time!  Onstage, one Elvis tribute artist described us as a "boutique crowd" - a truly fitting description.

A beautiful venue...and the weather held nicely without a drop of rain.  This event was held for charity and organizers did a fantastic job - in fact it may have been a blessing the crowd was intimate as many people were able to spend time talking with several tribute artists and the casual atmosphere was like....once in a bluemoon...which was actually the name of this festival!

The nine Elvis artists were amazing! Each one performed his tribute in a unique way.  I have many of the King's cds, movies, biographical books and framed prints in my collection as I've loved his artistry since I went to the first drive-in movie with my parents.  My sister and I, little kids at the time, sat in the back seat in our pajamas and I can still remember some parts of "Kid Galahad".  Wow, what an impression he made on me.

Also, my father, who passed away several years ago, resembled Elvis in facial features and body build - many people remarked on this especially in my Dad's 20's to 40's...but then who knows how Elvis Presley would have looked in his 50's and 60's.  I was lucky my father was with us at least until that age...

Thanks to all tribute artists and event organizers & attendants for making this event a wonderful time.  I wish I could have been there for the gospel music on Sunday as Bret Elvis suggested.  Here are a couple of pics to show June mountain scenery and lovely people who I was so fortunate to meet up in the hills!

Blue moon
I saw you standing alone
Without a dream in your heart
Without a love of your own

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Candle in the Breeze

Memorial Day in the U.S.A. and I'm thinking of my southern neighbors - best wishes and hope you had a memorable & enjoyable long weekend.

Marilyn Monroe's birthday is June 1st.  The video below is accompanied by a last interview given by Marilyn.  She's beautiful because she's intelligent... or is she intelligent because she's beautiful.  She's a Gemini twin mirror...as I continue to reflect upon the mirror imagery (posted in my last entry about the glittering movie Gatsby).  The interview is lengthy and very revealing.  If you want to learn about how she perceived fame, her life - please watch the vid.  Marilyn is practical and imaginative - not so messed up as people think...and she has a way of relating her experiences in a positive light.  Happy Birthday, dear Norma Jean.

Last summer I wrote a poem at the beach, without any corrections, line after line in a stream as waves came to shore at the lake.  Not saying the poem is intelligent or fantastic...but it's my spontaneous art.  The title reminds me of the Elton John song "Candle in the Wind" written by Elton back in the 1970's and performed during that time.  Later he rewrote the song for Lady Diana's funeral.  Coincidentally, my anniversary - although I'm not married anymore, was Marilyn's birthday, June 1st.  Here's to my dream lover...

Candle in the Breeze

Save me.  I’m hot.
This sun today
Finds all of me –
I’ve nowhere to hide
Spotlighted in heat waves beside
A gold green dragonfly.
I rise and wade along the shore
Seeing you in cool darkness
Of my memory – You
Facing me, fair and well.
“Farewell, my love” you say
And miles and days between us
Reminding me of crime scenes
Where the first 24 hours are crucial.
A month and more has passed –
Traces of your voice.  I find evidence –
A little black balloon deflated and floating,
Happy Birthday and stars written in white.
I come back to shore and let it dry
Before adding it to my collection
In my beach bag.
A coral opaque pen, dots of moisture within –
I pick it up, wipe the damp sand
Surprised to see pink red ink
Like the color of watermelon
When I write on white paper.
Is this you trying to tell me
You think of me,
Gifts like jewels strewn about
By my hovering concerned angels
Who know I need something, anything
To raise my spirits?
I’m thankful for these pink and black surprises
But I’m only learning to see
And I wish for signs easier to read –
Something certain in a life haunted
With uncertainty, a time of insecurity.
I dream of that balloon, full and aloft
Tied with a long pink ribbon to an outdoor patio
Where you sit on a big warm cushioned wicker chair
With me lounging on your lap
My tan arms around your strong shoulders,
A breeze stirring silver wind chimes
And one coral candle flickering
On a ruffle white icing cake
Upon the wicker table –
A dancing candle flame
And you and me
Not needing to make a wish.  

Friday, May 17, 2013

Gatsby, Games & Fans

I've been reflecting upon The Great Gatsby since I saw the movie in 3D on Tuesday...reflection is a multi-purpose word when talking about this latest and extremely noteworthy cinematic adaptation.  It's not my intent to write a review here - just a few thoughts blogged.  I went with my Mom, cousin and a friend expecting a lot from Gatsby and I got even more than I expected - truly the book is like a poem, beautifully written, deep and high...and the movie was like this poem brought to life.  Everything shone, reflected...surfaces glittered - even more than in the actual 1920's because literally I don't think they had the type of polish we have now for those fantastic cars, like mirrors.  Absolutely beautiful, dreamy, totally art.  The parties, dancing, costumes, scenery... 3D heaven.

Acting was mysterious & absorbing chemistry by Leo, Tobey, Carey, and Joel and all supporting cast.   We loved the movie except I couldn't stop thinking about the ending all the next day and thinking "why?".  I know Leo stated in the press he wanted to honor the book.  Why oh why at the end did Jay Gatsby's father not attend the funeral as Fitzgerald had written in the book?!  This ending is integral to the story. It's part of the theme - Jay helped his father - bought a house for him (not the mansion, a different house), Jay Gatsby wanted to better himself... understood & gratefully acknowledged by the father.  A father's approval is important...this is part of the Great Gatsby love story.  Hence, to me, this perfect poem of a book is brought to life like a beautiful dance where someone stumbles at the end.  The ending mood of the movie is totally a different one from the book.  I'll never know why they chose to leave out a few crucial minutes to explain the father's role.  Anyway maybe there were father/son issues with people involved in writing screenplay or directing or whatever.  I can't dwell on it - the movie was brilliant all & all.

Turning now to sports "old sport" like Gatsby would say, I have one thing to say.  It's hard to be a fan.  Someone mentioned this to me a few days ago.  I agree.  Everyone is a fan of someone or some team...all the way up to their own god.  Watching hockey for years,  I like to express myself instantly watching different exciting moments.  Wherever we get our inspiration is good - we can be superfans, fly the flag, wear the jersey, phone or text each other at intermissions and talk about specifics, then put down the phone and watch the next period.  We can yell, we can scream - we can walk around zombie-like in disbelief and dejection when our team the Canucks are eliminated in a 4 game sweep, then revisit that emotion like deja vu when another Canadian team, the Habs, are eliminated , then revisit the emotion briefly when Toronto Maple Leafs blow a 3 goal lead in the last period.  I know of famous musicians (and others) who go through super elated highs and severe lows with their team.  They want to be inspired.  To those famous ones I ask...please understand your fans.  If they express themselves with too much passion, forgive them...for to them you are a symbol of hope and joy.. If they persist too vividly and intrusively, show them a moment of kindness, please, then move on.  I say this in response to a news article I read - I won't mention names.  It's hard to be famous, but it's hard to be a fan, too.  Love is all.

To complete my blog I include two flower pics - the first one is May 15th.  The irises were in full bloom on the 12th and I don't have a closeup - I was too mesmerized by their beauty that day - Mother's Day.  My sister gave a small clump of tubers to plant several years ago - they create a bigger area and bloom more & more each year...and she was a mother, too.  My dear departed sister's irises...scented sweetly with memories.

And here is my one Queen of Night below, a purple black tulip - the only one to bloom this year in a patch of 6 bulbs.  Symbolic to be the only one...still, I transplanted the other bulbs to rootless soil.  This blossom opened on May 5th and tonight this Queen is more beautiful and dark, aloft on a tall stem, supported by a slender twig and guarded by a delicate spider.

To my flower ladies, fold soft dark petals across your hearts against black night, and open again to live with me in tomorrow's light.

Happy Victoria Day weekend!  Go Ottawa Sens...?...!!

Friday, May 3, 2013

May Days Muse

Today was a patio lounging day in the afternoon while I enjoyed a frozen fruit homemade slushie and read "The Great Gatsby" paperback obtained from a used book store around the block and down the street.  I remember reading the book back in 1974 and seeing the movie starring Robert Redford & Mia Farrow around that same time.  The new movie coming out next week will be great to see!

Only really good books interest me - I've tried the phase of reading best sellers women in book clubs rave about but I can't get past a few chapters before being bored or getting sleepy.  Also I feel a bit disheartened when some books in today's publishing market get so much attention and they are not imaginative or well written, the authors are popular because they get a lot of support from big publishing conglomerates, and my book can't find a space in this market so far because it's different.  I'll keep trying to find an agent who sees what I'm doing.

I'm watching Canucks vrs Sharks NHL playoffs.  It's nice to have this new HD tv as a gift from my uncle a few weeks ago. My old tv was over 20 years here but it was still good - so rarely is it on, sometimes 2 weeks go by in hockey off-season without the set turned on except for movies.  When Uncle was here for his cataract surgery, staying at my house, he talked me into getting this new flatscreen, and that was very kind of him to offer to buy it for me - 24 inch screen is all I want and it's very clear - I'm liking watching hockey even more now!

 I can't say how the Canucks will do. We'll see.  The great 1994 season - so thrilling that post season was!  How they got to the Cup finals, how they got to Game 7, how they lost...it was so close.   Teamwork was everything that Cup run, and we had a superstar to inspire all.  Here's Pavel Bure's top 10, some of the best goals were as a Canuck.

 Even 2011 was not the same, thrillwise, as '94.  Yes, they got to the finals in 2011 but somehow the writing was on the wall all the way, even though fans desperately hoped.  We just couldn't get past the incredible Boston goaltender that year, except for a few goals.  Again, close but no cigar as they say.

I watch...as a lifer fan we can wish and dream.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Wild Violets & Candy Wrappers

Part of my reality is finding signs and omens - a helpful, mysterious picture of nature that exists on an elevated level which we should perceive in order to learn.  On Saturday, April 13th (does that date mean anything to you?) I was walking along near a field and I saw masses of blooming wild violets, one of my most special Spring flowers.  Actually, I hunt them by scent -  perfume precedes their appearance.  So fragrant and delicate...and to think some people destroy them as garden weeds!  Bad karma doing that.  A garden is blessed with wild violets.  Only few varieties of butterflies and moths receive nourishment from these tiny flowers.

They were growing in thriving green grass so instead of searching around to pick each stem, I wrapped my hand around a clump, grass & all, and picked them.  My place is down the road a short distance so I held them like that until I got home and put them on my kitchen counter for a few seconds while I filled a tiny purple vase with water and a penny in the bottom, for copper nutrients.

When I separated the violets from grass, a piece of paper was crumpled up among them.  I unwrapped this paper after placing the flowers in the vase.  It was a candy wrapper, blue and yellow.  The Spanish name "Espanto" was in big letters, (which means fear or fright I translated on Google later).  With a magnifying glass as the letters were worn, I deciphered print on the side "Argentina" and under "Espanto" I made out part letters of  "Halloween"!  Here's cell phone pics taken that day.

A candy wrapper of a Halloween candy from Argentina picked up with the only bunch of violets I chose in that field...a powerful sign.

Now what does it mean as an omen?   Could mean many things - up to me to choose the message.

Friday, April 5, 2013

April Day, Emerald & Grey

"When that April with his showres soote....
Hath in the Ram his halve cours yronne,
And smale fowles maken melodye...."

Geoffrey Chaucer - The General Prologue - The Canterbury Tales - written 1386, Middle English

I'm back with some of my April cheer!  Fresh is the air, and nitrogen infuses new plants to shine crystal emeralds in their dewy leaves.  Silver are the drops that fall through brightening rays, and all life sings sweet songs.  I want to share some of my favorite songs - besides Led Zep my religion lol! - with you and describe back stories about why I love these tunes.

I'll start with a song by ABBA.  I love the line "I don't want to talk".  That phrase sums up a lot for me sometimes.  After "The Winner Takes It All" this blog becomes more uplifting...to show anyone how to rise from the doldrums of despair to happiness and optimism...really!!

Next, in a tribute to my sister who passed away, I have several favorite Beatles songs.  My sister brought her first Beatles records when I was just a little kid - I learned much about music from her- forever grateful.  When I heard John Lennon wail about his woman crying ...I felt so grown up and mature - because I totally understood..."This Boy"

Around the same era, 1964, my sister had Beach Boys albums...and they are truly uplifting all the time.  I am a  West Coast girl with a capital W and these boys embody all that's good about California spirit!  Their lyrics include place names all up the coast, style is described and the mood is fresh as ocean breeze!  After this song, I grew up appreciating a tan, going in the water, wearing harachi sandals and having a bushy blonde hairdo!  Life altering...here's "Surfing USA!".

Since my recent trip to Maui, I have a new love for the ocean and admiration for the history of surfing.  John Heath 'Doc' Ball was tremendously influential in the growth of surfing in California.  In 1929 when he started riding the waves there were only around 20 surfers in the USA.  They got the idea from Hawaiians, particularly the famous Duke Kahanamoku, surfing legend, who reintroduced this ancient sport of royalty from Hawaii to mainland America.

Doc Ball should not be forgotten, ever.  His story in part is below.  Check the link, please!


Now, aren't you feeling happy?!  I am - enjoy the Spring!!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

East Star

I love Easter - always have...it's my fave modern holiday.  Yes, I understand enough theology to know & appreciate the significance of death and resurrection - and I'm grateful for all books including the bible.  Whatever is comforting - any knowledge is good.  If people would study before they speak about life & death we would have a better world.  In my constant search for origins of our beliefs, I came across some literature a long time ago - so here it is to share with you.

The Empress, Trump card #3 in the Tarot deck sits with The Papess (yes, there were female popes) Trump Card #2.  The Papess is known in more recent times as The High Priestess, of the moon.  The Empress is a spirit of Springtime and creation.  She is 'All-Mother' or 'The Lawgiver'  Her ius naturale or natural law governed matriarchal societies in ancient Latium.

Tarot Trump cards are paired, first with last, second with second last and so on.  Why?  Unknown reasons but any theories are always good!  The Empress wears a crown of stars (count them - everything in Tarot is for a symbolic reason)and corresponds to The Star, Trump card #17.

There are older names the Empress had - one was Ostara, who was the same Goddess Eostre that gave her name to Easter.  When we talk about stars, endless possibilities come into focus, literally.  We are talking about stars rising on the horizon in astrology, and star constellations & their myths in astronomy.  We are talking about space & cosmic travel, perhaps advanced civilizations who are waiting for us to either heal our planet through love, or watching us as a failed experiment as we destroy ourselves and Earth.

If we keep our minds open and combine everything using logic, deduction and imagination we can see there's so much to learn about Easter.  I like to think of Jesus dying for us...and I believe he was the son of a god, he knew much of ancient Orphic mysteries and he knew how to use the forces of natural law.  He was not just a magician as some people recently claim - he was a genius speaking in parables.  I believe he walked among men and tried to show them what he knew about love.

I believe everything has to do with light & stars.  Rays & angles of reflection.  Heat & life. I believe everything has to do with love.  Easter is a beautiful time, the first Sunday after a full moon.  What a wonderful pagan concept!  The silver moon.  Wild violets are just starting to blossom and their scent is in the air. Lambs are being born.  Do you know the only word that rhymes with 'silver' in the English dictionary is 'chilver'?  A chilver is a female lamb. Mysteries of life abound.

Happy Eostre!!

 A Faberge Imperial Egg for you, given to the Empress many years ago!  Sail on & happy journeys...still thinking of going back to Maui and getting a condo there away from Canadian winters!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

St. Pat's & Druids in trees

According to my  sources, St. Pat lived very close to the Druids and much of symbolism originated in paganism long before he was born.   A shamrock is trefoil, used in Tarot, sign of Wands and as meanings of Tarot are obscure as the deck is of unknown origin, we've lost the symbolism and can only use what limited info we have from every source.  More importantly we have to use our imaginations.  Why?  To help Earth.  "Do no harm" is a mantra.

 Later, Wands became Clubs in a standard deck to this day.  The shamrock corresponds to number three, which is a trine in astrology, triple goddess in paganism and Holy Trinity in modern religion.  Basically, a trine is harmonious angles and perhaps perpetual motion, which perhaps involves a smooth way of travelling through the cosmos.  A triangle is pyramids.  Speaking of a Trinity, what a coincidence the new Pope is from Argentina and a big fan of San Lorenzo, like Viggo M!  This is a cool connection,   How do I know what's to be?  Who knows, I follow the signs of nature, like in LOTR.

  I hope Pope Francis took the name partly because of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals and environment.  Our world's animals need help, as does our environment.  Please help in any way you can - if you must eat meat (and I don't see why), do your health a favor and choose farm raised organic, not factory farmed.  Okay, I'll step off the soapbox...just saying!

What does all this mean about St Pat's?  Everybody's right, nobody's wrong!  We all modernize the deck we're dealt with and play it our way...but I like to think of  magic and druids.  To me all that lost knowledge holds the key to our existence.  I love to be in a place, physically and mentally, that's healthy and harmonious angles. Every myth began as reality...so I continue to have myths as a basis of my reality.

I'm learning much about the myths of Hawaii.  Here's a tree near a beach in Kihei, Maui when we were there  a couple of weeks ago. It was at one of those many beautiful beach areas where you can just park a car nearby and go for a swim in the ocean!  In the background is a changeroom. There are so good things of nature to notice in Maui.  You can almost see a spirit and faces of this big lovely tree.

Good to know Robert took a hol in the islands before his gigs down under... Here's a vid for you.

But really...who will champion MsMerlina?  Lancelot?  I love the tale of Le Morte d'Arthur, Sir Thomas Malory..

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Mahalo & Aloha...

I'm back now - although part of me is still in Maui, Hawaii...in my dreams, thoughts and inspiration as I walk through sleet & chill of late winter here in this B.C. valley.  Spring is approaching in my neighborhood and new green shoots of tulips help me to think ahead...but Spring here isn't what it was in the days of my youth.  Back then it was a tourist/orchard & sparkly lake area - now, especially now after Maui...I'm not sure what this place in the Okanagan B.C. is - definitely city planning wasn't with thoughts of beauty and serenity...we can't get it back.  Traffic here is nonstop, the city is not clean - can't be as healthy as it was in the 70's.  The lake, in most areas and definitely at public beaches in my hometown area doesn't pass my swimsuit test - my method of measurement of clean water.  In summer I can smell lake water in varying degrees depending on beach attended after I wash my swimsuit with mild soap & hang it to dry.  In Maui my swimsuit smelled...like mild soap after I washed it.  The water in Maui is clean - I can say this affirmatively as I'm a beach & water addict!

I know for certain after experiencing Maui's fresh, scented air, the clean water of Kihei, Launiupoko and Kaanapali, the absence of billboards and litter...I know for sure the Okanagan is not purely where my heart is anymore.  Maybe it was that last photo I took of the antique poster in our Lahaina condo - the one of those surfers in the year 1935 where they all stood in a row with their boards behind them...the flash of my camera was right against a young wild Hawaiian surfer boy's heart. I think a surfer spirit jumped into my soul at that moment...and it was meant to be.  Here's a photo of me in the warm waves of Kihei.  We went to many beaches, so casual to park our rental car anywhere along the road as there are so many beaches, all open to public with change rooms, picnic tables and most of these beaches with very few people around.  Lovvvee the beaches and water everywhere, they're all fantastic!

Maui is a romantic, beautiful, dreamy place with warm breezes everywhere and quaint shops on Front St, Lahaina where we watched sunsets as we sat at different open air restaurants nightly...up on the second floor always, overlooking the harbour.  We sat and passed around a huge piece of Hula pie - my sister, my Mom, my niece and I as it melted into a chocolate macadamia whipped cream mounded confection - we passed it like someone would pass a joint around the table, but this was a giant piece of pie consumed to the sounds and sights of 3 Hawaiian guys playing guitars & ukelele & singing.  What paradise this island is!

We went to the Whale Museum at Whaler's Village Kaanapali and read histories of sailors who owed the ship money after 3 years at sea catching whales and then they had to sign on for another 2 years at sea to pay the ship back after risking life and limb.  In the museum we saw giant immense hooks and a huge black cauldron for blubber - many momentos of ships and sailors - I could feel the history & hardship.  One day we toured with the Pacific Whale Foundation and saw many whales in an area past the harbour in shallow waters, their sprays of water visible like alternating sudden fountains across the blue ocean surface everywhere.  They surfaced and dove.  I'm glad I belong to this foundation - the people do much to save these gentle, graceful creatures...and we heard whale songs from a submerged microphone, with amplifier in the boat.

We sat at gorgeous Banyan Tree Square in shaded daylight.  At dusk, thousands of birds going to roost sing so loud - an amazing chorus and as night falls they are quiet.  Here's a pic of the Banyan tree and an unknown little girl passing in front of this gigantic wonderful tree with its many offshoots all around.

There were so many interesting things to do...but we relaxed as the pace of the island is not conducive to running around in haste.  We did a lot of things outdoors.  There's Art Night every Friday and more art galleries in Lahaina per capita than any U.S. city...and Fridays they serve champagne and wine.  Hawaiians are friendly, great people everywhere with much dignity and spirit. I'm now learning the Hawaiian language online, and in learning I also consulted their dictionary of words on the internet.  I see how intriguing the meanings of their words, the basis of their language is - so mystical with only a few consonants - it's a flowing water language, with whale and bird songs and no harshness at all - it's like they don't want any "s" for hissing like invoking the spirits of volcanoes, devoid of any hard hitting sounds also.

Our condo was lovely and I would love to buy a place there, in Lahaina, where Maui weather is warmest.  I dream of going back and having a place there for part of the year...now I have to think of how to make this dream a reality.  Here's a photo I took of a Hawaiian ginger plant in blossom at our condo.  To all the wonderful, gracious people I met on this enlightening, healing, and loving holiday I say Aloha and Mahalo.  The vacation is a memory my loved ones and I will cherish always.  I will go back...a spirit surfer has entered my soul.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Snake and More

Today is the Chinese new year to meet the new moon and year of the Snake.  What's my take...on the snake?  A flow of energy...curving, following contours.  Try to stop the flow and you will be bitten.  Snake venom is not to be ignored.  Go with the flow and use my highest intuition as this is a powerful year, even more so than last year's Dragon as the Snake is not seen as easily.

I'm enjoying NHL hockey and the Canucks are doing well.  I feel people shouldn't be so demanding of goalie Luongo...what you see is what you get - no matter how much money given to him, he's doing his best so accept him for what he is.  I'm weary of the Luongo controversy going on for years.  Good game, bad game, so what?  He can't help it.  I have a theory - the best goalies who are consistent for years do not live in the present but they exist a few seconds in the future, like Patrick Roy or Martin Brodeur.  They just know what to expect in a game - partly intuition....like the year of the Snake teaches us.  Not all is right in front of us, but we can look ahead using our senses.

I've not gone to Maui yet, but soon we'll be there!  I miss swimming and the ocean will be a welcome sight.  Here's something I wrote last summer by the lake...it is in my Summer Proems file.  Talk to you again.  Peace and love.


I’m not below the radar, I’m above it
In black space or transparent fever,
Depending on the sun -
Worshipping, moving like glass molten,
Unformed liquid sand,
I’m edges broken down to clarity,
Countless edges, still reflecting,
Sometimes invisible even when
I want to be seen.
More.  I want more.
“More you say?” a Dickens’s character
Hovers around me.  “More?”
He wears sturdy cobbler shoes well polished
And clean white socks.
My eyes stay focused on his feet.
He vanishes not fighting my imagination.
“Yes, more!” I’m glad to yell
Plunging into shocking water
So misleading in its serenity,
I’m at the intersection
Of two joined bodies in blue,
One to float on, one to look up to,
One to hold, one to have.
Calm, my mind submerged,
Thankful to my angels
Knowing they understand my exuberance
Now softly asking them again.
Requesting more joy can’t be wrong
If I’m already happy.

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Hobbit & Candlemas

The weekend of Candlemas in Christianity or Imbolc in Paganism has passed... of one tree have branches sprung, meanings obscured in antiquity...of lambs newborn, the light of Spring... rituals ancient and, as always, holding keys to our existance. Reflections in pools of water, divination.  Think of the words 'divine nation'.  Makes me think of celestial beings, as above so below.

I saw the Hobbit, finally, last week, in 3D at night with a friend.  Loved the movie!  3D was superb. I can't see one reason to criticize anything at all - some critics were exactly as their 'title' suggests, too severe in their assessments entirely.  One reason I didn't see the movie until last week was because some reviews stated The Hobbit was too long.  I was a bit hesitant to go! I thought the movie would be too much after re-reading the book recently.  I imagined all kinds of things - my imagination got the better of me.  The movie was not too long at all!  Actually, background stories included were very helpful to the audience.  Director Peter Jackson was kind and considerate to include all these scenes.  All so beautiful, the music stirred memories of Lord of the Rings movies, the characters reminded me of coming home.  Gandalf - wonderful, Galadriel - breathtakingly lovely, Bilbo Baggins - really great in the role...Elrond and all - just fabulous.

Another reason I didn't go see it until last week was because Viggo Mortensen isn't in the movie or I would have been there first week!  He was amazing as Aragorn in all the Lord of the Rings movies and the chemistry was intense between Aragorn and Arwen...so tender, intuitive, passionate, caring, loving.  Liv Tyler and Viggo were perfect together.

The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings are constant themes in my life, as I've alluded to in previous blogs.  When I received The Hobbit novel in the 1970's as a gift, I couldn't complete reading the book.  Imagery was unsettling to me.  I didn't visualize the hobbits to be like they would be portrayed in the movies decades later.  In the '70's when I met my husband-to-be at his place (living in his parents' basement suite) he had a copy of the Hobbit sitting on his desk and he had been reading it.  Finally, years later, I picked up the book again and read it but didn't read The Lord of the Rings trilogy until many years after that...don't know why, always been a bit hesitant.  The imagery is very vivid imo...and I've grown to love all the books.  The movies are very extremely beautiful.

Here's the official trailer of the Hobbit.

I'm thankful & grateful to have experienced this beautiful movie - looking forward to Part 2!  Also counting the days until Maui!  I'll be hanging out at beaches on the west coast and at Banyan Tree Square in Lahaina soon!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sun worship

Finally after weeks of darkness in the day, where clouds hung over the valley and my indoor tropical plants were placed, huddled as close as possible to the windows, when leaves fell off the ficus and rubber plants daily & nightly, when my tropical corn plants' leaves turned black and dropped one by one...the sun returned January 12th!  Hark!! The sun!  Brilliant, dazzling.

Twenty years have passed since my father died.  The weather in January was like this except colder then. Last Saturday I took a walk along my fave beach and took cell phone pics.  I need a certain angle to take good ones and in the brightness I couldn't find the right camera viewer spot for returning migrating tundra swans.  First I heard faint bird calls coming from distant water - I thought it was an owl.  Closer they swam, three of these beautiful white birds, the lead male honking softly.  A hawk circled close to me.  I could see red feathers on his underside.  Canada geese swished along in a casual V formation above me.  I wish I could have snapped pics of all these birds.  Like they say, everything happened so fast!  I lived the moment and enjoyed my happy solitary stroll along the water.  I take many pics of this area, in my little way I feel like the artist who paints a fave subject over and over again.  Something about this area I want to capture...something eludes me.

In floated the swans - although the pic is blurry enough to say I could have captured the legendary Ogopogo on camera, swimming with his friends!  This was Saturday. I'm sliding on ice every time I walk, no thaw yet and wind outside is strong today making the wind chill factor obvious.  It's like wearing the lightest cotton pants when those gusts blow and I look down to be sure my thick cold weather pants are on!

Below pic is where my Mom, sister & niece & I will be in a few weeks...Maui!  As much as I enjoy winter, it will be nice to catch a few days of warm rays in Lahaina and surrounding places.  And when I look down I will be wearing light cotton crop pants!  Til next time enjoy the place you live in, and remember where you come from...and honor your roots because someone in your past was a pioneer looking for a better life.