Thursday, March 28, 2013

East Star

I love Easter - always's my fave modern holiday.  Yes, I understand enough theology to know & appreciate the significance of death and resurrection - and I'm grateful for all books including the bible.  Whatever is comforting - any knowledge is good.  If people would study before they speak about life & death we would have a better world.  In my constant search for origins of our beliefs, I came across some literature a long time ago - so here it is to share with you.

The Empress, Trump card #3 in the Tarot deck sits with The Papess (yes, there were female popes) Trump Card #2.  The Papess is known in more recent times as The High Priestess, of the moon.  The Empress is a spirit of Springtime and creation.  She is 'All-Mother' or 'The Lawgiver'  Her ius naturale or natural law governed matriarchal societies in ancient Latium.

Tarot Trump cards are paired, first with last, second with second last and so on.  Why?  Unknown reasons but any theories are always good!  The Empress wears a crown of stars (count them - everything in Tarot is for a symbolic reason)and corresponds to The Star, Trump card #17.

There are older names the Empress had - one was Ostara, who was the same Goddess Eostre that gave her name to Easter.  When we talk about stars, endless possibilities come into focus, literally.  We are talking about stars rising on the horizon in astrology, and star constellations & their myths in astronomy.  We are talking about space & cosmic travel, perhaps advanced civilizations who are waiting for us to either heal our planet through love, or watching us as a failed experiment as we destroy ourselves and Earth.

If we keep our minds open and combine everything using logic, deduction and imagination we can see there's so much to learn about Easter.  I like to think of Jesus dying for us...and I believe he was the son of a god, he knew much of ancient Orphic mysteries and he knew how to use the forces of natural law.  He was not just a magician as some people recently claim - he was a genius speaking in parables.  I believe he walked among men and tried to show them what he knew about love.

I believe everything has to do with light & stars.  Rays & angles of reflection.  Heat & life. I believe everything has to do with love.  Easter is a beautiful time, the first Sunday after a full moon.  What a wonderful pagan concept!  The silver moon.  Wild violets are just starting to blossom and their scent is in the air. Lambs are being born.  Do you know the only word that rhymes with 'silver' in the English dictionary is 'chilver'?  A chilver is a female lamb. Mysteries of life abound.

Happy Eostre!!

 A Faberge Imperial Egg for you, given to the Empress many years ago!  Sail on & happy journeys...still thinking of going back to Maui and getting a condo there away from Canadian winters!

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