Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Happy December, Matey!

I've not been here in a month - time to catch up!  Cruising is sensational...meaning great and also wonderful for the senses.  I loved our trip to Central America...cruising the Caribbean, went with relatives.  What can I say to describe the feeling of traveling south, gradually entering warmer and warmer tropical weather, night by night?  There's no way to describe that mystery of a big moon and stars viewed from a stateroom balcony, with a scent of fresh hot sea breeze, warm as a hairdryer but humid and sweet with an inexplainable pure fragrance.  It's like time is non-existent and I was an explorer on a ship in Columbus' era, going to new lands.

Ship activities kept us so busy when we wanted to take in some action - and really enjoyable cool things to do everywhere - from the tribute acts by singers and dancers in the theatre, to the cool retro British group in our fave lounge where the female lead singer with her amazing voice sang Beatles and other songs while her talented male bandmates all had their fave songs to rock out to with their amazing voices - tributes to Stevie Ray, Elvis, and others...and passengers danced everywhere - in the lounges, in the atrium.  Every area onboard had its own musical vibe.

That was life on the ship - but the ports and excursions were so much fun and lovely!  We saw much culture and a lot of jungle.  Luckily I asked someone I was following because I took a wrong direction, left our party on a winding trail.  Corrected my error speedily - wouldn't want to be wandering in the jungle all night lol!

We shopped in picturesque seaside villages, beached (always a fave) sat by various pools on the ship as well, especially our favorite pool - and nothing seemed crowded ever, even the buffets where the legendary food lives up to the legend!

We didn't gain weight, that's a cruising myth in my opinion - too much to do!  Some nights we'ed just flop into our beds and fall asleep watching a movie.  Meaning "we" I shared a stateroom with Mom, twin beds.  She was a real trooper - kept up and had an awesome time.  This trip made us closer...after all the tragedy last year we needed this journey.  Sister, we thought of  you.

Here's a photo from our ship's stateroom balcony as we headed for Roatan, Honduras, and another photo below the first pic in Roatan near Sandy Bay where we watched a cultural native dance.

Aye Matey!  Have you ever been to sea?  It's in my blood.  I see another cruise in my future!  Thanks to all the powers of ocean, air, heat and earth!

I feel the voodoo
I know the jungle beat
I need your essence
Like jaguars when we meet

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