Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sun worship

Finally after weeks of darkness in the day, where clouds hung over the valley and my indoor tropical plants were placed, huddled as close as possible to the windows, when leaves fell off the ficus and rubber plants daily & nightly, when my tropical corn plants' leaves turned black and dropped one by one...the sun returned January 12th!  Hark!! The sun!  Brilliant, dazzling.

Twenty years have passed since my father died.  The weather in January was like this except colder then. Last Saturday I took a walk along my fave beach and took cell phone pics.  I need a certain angle to take good ones and in the brightness I couldn't find the right camera viewer spot for returning migrating tundra swans.  First I heard faint bird calls coming from distant water - I thought it was an owl.  Closer they swam, three of these beautiful white birds, the lead male honking softly.  A hawk circled close to me.  I could see red feathers on his underside.  Canada geese swished along in a casual V formation above me.  I wish I could have snapped pics of all these birds.  Like they say, everything happened so fast!  I lived the moment and enjoyed my happy solitary stroll along the water.  I take many pics of this area, in my little way I feel like the artist who paints a fave subject over and over again.  Something about this area I want to capture...something eludes me.

In floated the swans - although the pic is blurry enough to say I could have captured the legendary Ogopogo on camera, swimming with his friends!  This was Saturday. I'm sliding on ice every time I walk, no thaw yet and wind outside is strong today making the wind chill factor obvious.  It's like wearing the lightest cotton pants when those gusts blow and I look down to be sure my thick cold weather pants are on!

Below pic is where my Mom, sister & niece & I will be in a few weeks...Maui!  As much as I enjoy winter, it will be nice to catch a few days of warm rays in Lahaina and surrounding places.  And when I look down I will be wearing light cotton crop pants!  Til next time enjoy the place you live in, and remember where you come from...and honor your roots because someone in your past was a pioneer looking for a better life.

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