Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Snake and More

Today is the Chinese new year to meet the new moon and year of the Snake.  What's my take...on the snake?  A flow of energy...curving, following contours.  Try to stop the flow and you will be bitten.  Snake venom is not to be ignored.  Go with the flow and use my highest intuition as this is a powerful year, even more so than last year's Dragon as the Snake is not seen as easily.

I'm enjoying NHL hockey and the Canucks are doing well.  I feel people shouldn't be so demanding of goalie Luongo...what you see is what you get - no matter how much money given to him, he's doing his best so accept him for what he is.  I'm weary of the Luongo controversy going on for years.  Good game, bad game, so what?  He can't help it.  I have a theory - the best goalies who are consistent for years do not live in the present but they exist a few seconds in the future, like Patrick Roy or Martin Brodeur.  They just know what to expect in a game - partly the year of the Snake teaches us.  Not all is right in front of us, but we can look ahead using our senses.

I've not gone to Maui yet, but soon we'll be there!  I miss swimming and the ocean will be a welcome sight.  Here's something I wrote last summer by the is in my Summer Proems file.  Talk to you again.  Peace and love.


I’m not below the radar, I’m above it
In black space or transparent fever,
Depending on the sun -
Worshipping, moving like glass molten,
Unformed liquid sand,
I’m edges broken down to clarity,
Countless edges, still reflecting,
Sometimes invisible even when
I want to be seen.
More.  I want more.
“More you say?” a Dickens’s character
Hovers around me.  “More?”
He wears sturdy cobbler shoes well polished
And clean white socks.
My eyes stay focused on his feet.
He vanishes not fighting my imagination.
“Yes, more!” I’m glad to yell
Plunging into shocking water
So misleading in its serenity,
I’m at the intersection
Of two joined bodies in blue,
One to float on, one to look up to,
One to hold, one to have.
Calm, my mind submerged,
Thankful to my angels
Knowing they understand my exuberance
Now softly asking them again.
Requesting more joy can’t be wrong
If I’m already happy.

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