Monday, February 4, 2013

The Hobbit & Candlemas

The weekend of Candlemas in Christianity or Imbolc in Paganism has passed... of one tree have branches sprung, meanings obscured in antiquity...of lambs newborn, the light of Spring... rituals ancient and, as always, holding keys to our existance. Reflections in pools of water, divination.  Think of the words 'divine nation'.  Makes me think of celestial beings, as above so below.

I saw the Hobbit, finally, last week, in 3D at night with a friend.  Loved the movie!  3D was superb. I can't see one reason to criticize anything at all - some critics were exactly as their 'title' suggests, too severe in their assessments entirely.  One reason I didn't see the movie until last week was because some reviews stated The Hobbit was too long.  I was a bit hesitant to go! I thought the movie would be too much after re-reading the book recently.  I imagined all kinds of things - my imagination got the better of me.  The movie was not too long at all!  Actually, background stories included were very helpful to the audience.  Director Peter Jackson was kind and considerate to include all these scenes.  All so beautiful, the music stirred memories of Lord of the Rings movies, the characters reminded me of coming home.  Gandalf - wonderful, Galadriel - breathtakingly lovely, Bilbo Baggins - really great in the role...Elrond and all - just fabulous.

Another reason I didn't go see it until last week was because Viggo Mortensen isn't in the movie or I would have been there first week!  He was amazing as Aragorn in all the Lord of the Rings movies and the chemistry was intense between Aragorn and tender, intuitive, passionate, caring, loving.  Liv Tyler and Viggo were perfect together.

The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings are constant themes in my life, as I've alluded to in previous blogs.  When I received The Hobbit novel in the 1970's as a gift, I couldn't complete reading the book.  Imagery was unsettling to me.  I didn't visualize the hobbits to be like they would be portrayed in the movies decades later.  In the '70's when I met my husband-to-be at his place (living in his parents' basement suite) he had a copy of the Hobbit sitting on his desk and he had been reading it.  Finally, years later, I picked up the book again and read it but didn't read The Lord of the Rings trilogy until many years after that...don't know why, always been a bit hesitant.  The imagery is very vivid imo...and I've grown to love all the books.  The movies are very extremely beautiful.

Here's the official trailer of the Hobbit.

I'm thankful & grateful to have experienced this beautiful movie - looking forward to Part 2!  Also counting the days until Maui!  I'll be hanging out at beaches on the west coast and at Banyan Tree Square in Lahaina soon!

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