Friday, September 6, 2013

I'm back, sorry for my absence

Hey all you lovers of music, nature and life...I was away from the computer most of July and all of August except for checking my emails maybe a few minutes each day during that time.  Sorry if I worried anyone but I didn't purposely drop off the face of the Earth.

I met, once again, with a person who has been in my life off and on since 1974.  Yes, we we always sought each other, crossed paths, met up, separated, met up, went apart...a few times during those years.  We were again intensely together this summer...almost 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week...that's how it is with us.

We again encountered the problem of not being in the same dimension, or same space...although we really care for each other.  He's a brilliant and beautiful man, but whereas I met my demons, battled through and recovered, he is still battling addiction.  I can't do it, but the best thing was to refuse to do it all over again, and to let him know I still love him, and to let him go.

That's all.

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