Saturday, June 6, 2020

Doing the right thing

I'm thinking of a story Roger Waters told, on a Twitter video a few days ago...about his mother and the advice of doing the right thing.  I find great comfort in those words.  The world can be a mixed up place of misplaced values everywhere and it can be a great place if we choose to make it happen. Passion and intellect!

Right now, are people doing the right thing re "Black Lives Matter" and huge protests or are we perhaps doing some harm through large groups marching during a pandemic?  Are some of these people bored of quarantine?  Looks like they want to support a cause & get a social gathering out of it at the same time, standing up for injustice. I'm becoming doubtful and cynical sometimes, regarding motives, but I like to stay cheerful.  Maybe protesting is the right thing at the wrong time?  I don't know.  You're always going to get the hooligans ready to burn and destroy things, then the taxpayer foots the bill.

Doing the right thing is almost comparable to "Do No Harm" the mantra of ancient physicians.  I just saw a video on Twitter where a whale jumped out of his barren concrete water enclosure and the comments eluded to the whale was self harming, like trying to kill himself.  Are people, though well meaning, so convinced of speciesism they are attributing human characteristics to animals?  No, the whale was doing everything according to survival exercise his muscles, as he would in the ocean and in doing so leaped out of the enclosure as if trying to find a better place...okay if you look obscurely, maybe death is a better place but I'm certain not the intention.

Thinking of the band Pink Floyd, Roger Waters was and is Pink Floyd, from beginning to now. The proof is in Wikipedia, and I always thought so because no one could write lyrics and music like Roger one, not even Paul & John of the Beatles imo.

I'll tell you why I think so in another post sometime, or someone can just ask me, maybe Roger! Dream on, wouldn't that be great.  It's all to do with nature, alchemy, physics and many other things I don't really understand but I try to learn.  Not only is Roger Waters the founder of Pink Floyd, he is a very strong person to stand up to claims by others. He's truly a special man, with kindness not even understood by some people.  I think I get it.  Then again, I'm a Sheep in Chinese astrology, and so is Roger, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, except they are all 12 years older than me.  What a grand time that was, back in 1943, all born within months of each other, all fantastic British musicians and artists.  Wow, what was in the stars during that time?  I like astrology and astronomy, just like the ancients.

Bye for now, I'll write more soon.  My garden needs watering at home in BC and the days before the Solstice are lengthy, so I have time before the mosquitoes arrive at dusk.  One thing I love about the tropics, no mosquitoes, gnats etc to plague me all evening.  Oh Canada.  I want my tropical paradise at least part of the year....after the pandemic!  Last year's garden end of May, with wild pink roses and the north field. This year just blooming now, a bit later.

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