Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Who or what am I?

Here's who I am.  Long ago, or is it tomorrow in a galaxy we have 12 major constellations in a circular pattern seen from Earth.  Many more star patterns exist, but these 12 are historically significant. Why?  Chilliwack, a BC band from the 70's in lyrics "time is like a rubber band."  Time vibrates like a guitar string.  It's all harmony of the spheres, it's all sacred geometry.  Few care to learn about the basis of our lives so how are we to exist?

I love people, the Earth, and animals.  I hate speciesism, as this belief of superiority of humans will destroy us.  I try to help and I've seen some hope and improvement recently....  I love beautiful thoughts and beautiful everything.

If this is true re time vibrating, and we can't prove it, then we have an answer for the significance of 12, since beginning of recorded history.  In Chinese astrology we have the 12 palaces of the sky, Indian astrology same number of houses, and in Western astrology, same.  In the Bible we have 12 disciples and in Arthurian mythology we have 12 knights sitting at a round table.  The knights each signify a constellation, according to analysis of "Le Morte D'Arthur" by Sir Thomas Malory.

I've studied English Literature in university, ancient texts, and astrology for several decades. Linda Goodman's groundbreaking book, Sun Signs, published in 1968 helped bring the science and art of star signs to the public in a very basic way.

Now, who am I?  All I understand is I have no Earth in my chart, and if time is like a rubber band, I float on rays of sun, water, and air...but alas, I'm not really grounded.  I think this is the reason why I "gravitate" to certain people at certain times in my life.

I am of the constellation Cancer, with an emphasis on my 8th house, the house of death, sex, estates, and taxes among other things.  I have Scorpio rising, (birth hour is necessary to calculate rising sign) and I've had to literally fend off unwanted attention from members of the opposite sex all my life. Men who I wanted, I didn't have a problem.  My 65th birthday is on the 12th...and age doesn't make a difference to anyone, except that I've experienced much of the same things as others of my age which helps me to mature my nature.

It's for these described reasons, if you get me, and other reasons including my recent melanoma, I don't have time for anything but true people anymore.  I don't want a boyfriend, I want to have a healthy fulfilling life with people who are with me because we can nurture each other to be our best, creative, imaginative selves.

I don't think we have an answer to the pandemic.  People want to stubbornly resist learning from nature.  Even the plants know what is toxic and what is nourishment, to the body and spirit.  The birds of the sky, the fish, the trees and the water and air "know" what is toxic and what is nourishment.  The only species who don't instinctively know is the human species.  We continue to fill our minds and bodies with toxins and pollute our world.

Maybe someday, the creator, whoever or whatever that may be, will solve it all.  Until then I will continue to follow my own truth...floating.  I don't want your money, your possessions, or your soul.  I want to find answers and oh yeah...have enjoyment in life!  That's all.  Bette Davis sums it up perfectly, except it's going to be
More than a night!

And it's time the USA citizens became a touch less egocentric, maybe?  They don't need no education... they need some education about everything.  You can't blame the pied piper...he has his finger on the pulse.

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