Friday, April 17, 2020

Corona Days

The coronavirus is a silent sniper.  It is a crown shape ironically and controls the world.  I'm doing my best to stay inside or away from others outdoors and social distancing everywhere.  BC and my community is doing well in our efforts to flatten the curve, and I admire people for caring so much about others and trying their very best to follow the guidelines. I go to our local grocery store, keep my distance as others do the same, recoiling suddenly if we get too close like we've encountered Dracula.  I wash all the groceries & packaging, deliver some to my Mom a couple times a week, and we spend time together although 2 meters apart.  I think these safety measures everywhere are important and should be adhered to patiently.  I'm concerned the US is opening up things too soon.

If I look at my post in November of last year "Renowned in Battle" I see foreshadowing of this world crisis.  Everything was speeding up to a blurry vision of what the world should be.  We were careless, competitive to the extreme ...over nothing, and oblivious to the direction we were headed.  All of us.  When a celebrity's endorsement of a nail polish or athletic shoes is supposed to motivate and inspire us, we're in trouble.  It's all frivolous.

So...I buy the athletic shoes and I am the best athlete and make millions of dollars?  Is that what I'm supposed to think?  I don't know where all this obscure belief in values was leading...

Now, think of this.  We can't sit shoulder to shoulder at an athletic event for maybe many months.  Consequently, we can't afford to pay athletes millions of dollars.  Sport should go back to what it was supposed to be.  Just sports, to watch, for fun.  Not for billionaires to own sports teams for their own power trips.  It's all vanity, just like the good old Bible says.

Another thing which is the basis of everything.  Freedom.  We must learn that any confinement leads to disease and sickness.  Animals, plants, people, don't thrive when confined.  An exception I must make here is jail for dangerous criminals.  They have to be confined as we don't have any alternative.  In superhero comic books, we'd send criminals to another planet.

But...we can't dominate and confine animals.  Every time we try, nature tells us "no, wrong"...not morally, just plain wrong for survival.  Evil is the opposite of live.  Evolve is love both ways.  You can evolve for the good or for the bad.

Wet markets with exotic animals are wrong for survival of the world.  Factory farming is wrong as well.  So are fish farms, intensive farming with chemicals and pesticides, sunscreen with ingredients killing coral reefs, air pollution...wrong, wrong and more wrong.

We can't go back...ever.  We must move forward and think of the serenity and good strong values we were supposed to enjoy on Earth.  We have released a Lex Luther type of virus upon the Earth, worthy of a Superman story.  I think the coronavirus started in China at a time when protests for democracy were beginning to have a huge impact on the country.  Coincidence?

 A superbug was bound to happen because at the core of it all, wet markets with exotic animals confined in horrific conditions is evil.  Not caring about innocent creatures is evil, and Chinese government  is raising the middle finger to the rest of the world repeatedly in the attempt of world domination.

China was a good culture hundreds of years ago.  They gave the world Chinese astrology, and a rich history.  But... it's all corrupt.  Just like Lenin and communism in Russia at the time of the revolution.  Why didn't Lenin's followers go to trial for killing the Royal Family?  War crimes should always be punished, no matter when.  Now with the WHO and China we need to see accountability.

I don't know what will happen in the world...but I don't think we've learned the lesson yet.  I'll try my best on Earth...that's all I can do.  The power of One.  That's all it is.  That's all we have.

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