Tuesday, January 14, 2020

New Year in Royal B.C.

Happy New Year of the Gold Metal Rat!  We're in the midst of an Arctic front which swept into the valley with gusts of northern wind on Sunday.  Today with windchill the temp is -27C.  Weather here is the news of late, and I've been following reports about the Meghan and Harry move to Vancouver Island...possibly that's what they'll do.

It's a solid start to 2020 for me.  I feel happy & busy.  Mom's house is on the market for sale because we want to downsize and buy a condo for her in a senior's building, with a dining room to dine with others if she cares to, some meals provided...or she can make her own food in her own kitchen.  At her age, nearing 91, it's difficult for her to be in her house with snow all around.  If she slips as she tries to clean the sidewalk it's game over I'm afraid.  Of course I've arranged for help with her house inside and out for several years but she still insists on doing things herself, outdoors included.  Yikes. But it's too much now she says.  I cared for her yard and my own garden last few years.  Finally she admits lately it's just too difficult after all her friends in the gated community have passed away.

Mom being 2 years younger than Queen Elizabeth and a few years younger than Prince Philip, I can appreciate the great effort and dedication to family by all these elders.  Mom and the Queen are so old and they try so hard.  Aww, how can't some people see it's mean and irresponsible to leave? I think if Meghan and Harry wanted to move with baby Archie, they could have been patient, carried on helping the family, and waited until the Queen and Prince Philip passed away at least. Just my opinion, not a fact okay?

I majored in English Literature (many years ago, excuse the grammatically incorrect sentences sometimes) and I appreciate English history...and world history actually.  I'm fascinated and I think everyone who enters the Royal family in marriage in England should have a complete understanding and appreciation for the history.  You know the saying "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing"?  In the exodus of Meghan and Harry and baby Archie, the saying may be applicable.

As well, the British newspapers are an example of  English power of the pen.  English are the masters, including the tabloids which are actually quite humourous.  You have to be able to laugh at yourself and not take things so seriously.  I'm sure if the British tabloids wrote about me, I'd have a good laugh...the way the writers portray current issues.  Actually, it's better to be a bit ridiculous rather than dead serious in our world at times, don't you think?

Let me offer a bit of information about Victoria and Vancouver Island, as a person born and raised in B.C.  My sister, rest in peace, lived in Victoria for a few years after attending university there, and my niece, same...U of Vic and current resident 12 years.

Victoria and Van Island are tougher than it looks.  Scenic, yes, but still some remnants of British ways and class consciousness.  You have the people who go for tea at the Empress Hotel in Vic, or you have the ex-hippies living off the land "up island".  You have the residents who manicure their lawns with scissors in the posh neighborhoods (yes, I'm not joking)  and you have the vegans in rural areas, the ex "granola girls" of Quebec with their sandals on. And all over you have your tourists, especially from Pacific Rim with their cameras.

Mainly, another old saying "the grass always looks greener on the other side" applies here.  Yes, the grass is very green on Vancouver Island, lots of rainy days.  But the grass is very green in England, too.  Is a move the answer?  I think if one gets along well with people, one will tend to get along anywhere.  If one doesn't get along with people in an area where one lives, why will things change in another area?

I'm all for progress and welcoming new ideas, new people etc. But act in haste, repent at leisure.

Happy 2020!!!

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