Thursday, June 16, 2016

The "Stairway" debate

I can't be quiet about this Stairway to Heaven trial...although I'm quite aware opinions are everywhere...everyone is unique and each person has a different perspective based on many things - life experiences, values, emotions, ability to reason etc etc.  Everyone wants to think of the best outcome in any situation, right?

If you love people and see them as beautiful, they can do no wrong, usually.  You always find reasons for what they do.  But then there's that nagging feeling that just won't go away - like I have right now during this trial about the song copyright.

I'm a lifer superfan of Led Zeppelin.  I was 13 in 1968 when LZ was first talked about in our little BC community.  This was a dark, dangerous, heavy band for the new teens - they were our band.  My older sister had Rolling Stones and Beatles, James Taylor and Cream.  Led Zep was my band.  I was hooked.

As a lifer fan, I heard about the song Taurus by Spirit a long time ago online, maybe I heard about it around the year 2000 at a Led Zep online forum. When I heard the song Taurus I felt instantly it was the beginning few bars of Stairway to Heaven - a very strong feeling of recognition and marvel...and many feelings all at once.

When I was burning cds courtesy of the free now defunct Napster I burned a copy of Taurus around 2001.  I still have the cd.

I have followed Led Zep off and on for almost 50 years.  I've seen most of the online interviews, have all the music, have read interviews, have witnessed conversations at various Led Zep forums on the internet, and have LZ bootlegs from around the world.  We are scholars of LZ - we could have university degrees in the history of LZ, some of us.

Now, Randy California.  He was born on Feb 20, 1951.  Same day as Kurt Cobain, same year and a few days after my older sister mentioned above.  She's gone, too.  So is Kurt.  Randy drowned in Hawaii.  He died same day as my father, but 4 years later.  Randy was a Pisces Chinese sign of the Rabbit.  That's like a double Pisces.  He died without contesting the song...because he knew the truth would come to light.  The truth would come from way below the surface and shine for all to see.

I'm glad this trial is happening in the lifetimes of Robert Plant and Jimmy Page.  It would be worse if it happened in 20, 30 years when no one could speak for themselves.  I feel sorry Randy California is not here at the trial to speak.  I feel sorry he drowned saving his son...

And I feel sorry Jimmy feels he has to defend LZ and say he doesn't remember ever hearing the song Taurus.  Jimmy is a stickler for detail.  You mean to tell me he heard of the song and never listened? You mean to say he didn't remember touring and opening for Spirit, or speaking with Randy?

What Jimmy may mean is that music is a free domain of discovery and all the chords already exist. When you love a band you always find reasons for what the guys say. Yes, I believe great chords of music are part of nature.  A few examples come to the inspired 4 notes of  Pink Floyd's David Gilmour's Shine On You Crazy Diamond (another Pisces btw)

My belief is great harmonious music exists in the natural sounds of birds, in every sound and sounds have meanings we understand on a deep unknown level.  The sound resonates with us. Chords in music are discovered, not invented.  Randy California, a perceptive discoverer musician in tune with an elemental universe at that moment, discovered the opening bars of music to Taurus, the same musical notes in the opening of Stairway to Heaven.  Randy discovered the sound, wrote it down, and then Jimmy Page & Led Zep explored the sound from there.  The beginning of a song is what draws a person in usually, or a chorus imo.

Of course I love Led Zep.  Randy had a door open at the beginning of a Stairway...and Led Zep made it a great song.  The underdog here is of course Randy.  When you struggle to make a living doing what you love, you sacrifice, and you don't have money you're in survival mode.  I've been there.  Maybe the guys of Led Zep struggled with money until they are removed from what it's like to think of survival day to day.  They are wealthy and they've brought joy of music to millions.

My verdict - they are all beautiful, including the lawyer for the plaintiff.  But seek the truth and stay beautiful.

Love, me.

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