Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Autumn thoughts

When I was in Grade 8 back in 1969 our English class of students each had to memorize the same poem and then recite it.  I'm certain many of us still remember the poem and I think the English teacher provided this assignment as an exercise in longevity..  He was an unusual teacher, very artistic and  his big earthenware pottery brown bowl is on top of my kitchen cupboard shelves as I write this.  I bought the bowl from my sister's neighbor at garage sale many years ago.  My sister's neighbour  was a former classmate and she knows the poem, too.

The verses start with "The world is too much with us, late and soon,
                                    Getting and spending we lay waste our powers,
                                    Little we see in nature that is ours...."

and it goes on from there, by William Wordsworth.  Check it if you like.  I think English Literature was important in my high school era because we were taught, as Canadians and British subjects, to respect Canada's heritage.  Many of my classmates were First Nations and now I'm friends with people of the Okanagan Indian Band as well.

I'm so glad to know the First Nations will be more and more instrumental in protecting our environment - I just know they will be our guides for the future in B.C. and all of North America.  Their traditions and culture are more in tune with nature than the basic white person. If not for them, we'd be doomed, honestly I think so.

I just can't care about a lot of media right now.  I rarely watch tv except for Dancing with the Stars and the news, maybe some PBS.  It's not that I can't handle the flashing ads, the class conciousness, the hyperactivity and of course your old standby "rampant consumerism".  I don't want to compete - it's foolish and silly to try, basically stressful and unhealthy and I just harvested my garden with a fresh breeze and birds singing all around me.  My learning experience is from the garden and nature.  I'm appalled at the lack of concern about people in poverty and I try to give what I can.  Animal rights, a big deal with me.  Animals are so pure - look at the wild animal's healthy clear eyes,  instinctive, and innocent.

Yes, the world is too much with me.  I have to remember to stay true to my essence.  I can't get involved in too much media.  Happy Thanksgiving.  You can always direct message me and I'll see the notification in my emails, thanks.  Please feel free.  Those words say it all.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Updating my life

I feel the urge or need to write about my thoughts today.  Everything needs to be put in perspective on this 10th day of July 2016.  Maybe part of my life review today is because my birthday is on the 12th, not a big deal - my 60th was a year ago and I had a great time last year.  Everyone remembered and I was treated like a queen all of July 2015.  My life at the lake condo was new, my first summer here, and I was still healthy before the muscle issue.  Now I'm 90% healed.

Honestly, I'm missing people.  Sundays are always the remembrance days for me out of the whole week.  I miss my husband, more than 2 years gone.  I miss my sister, more than 4 years gone.  It's like my sis and I were together yesterday getting ready to go to the theater for a movie on cheap Tuesday, which we did quite often...not because we were stingy and picked Tuesdays but because we had priorities and we were saving money:)  I don't want to think about the way she died, suddenly diagnosed with a brain tumor and then leaving this Earth 6 months later in 2012  Every day I sat by her side, changing the tv channels because she couldn't think, couldn't speak with clear words, just her own made up words mainly, but...

I have to forget about that time.  Memories are not good and hopefully in years memories will change.  My last uncle died in March this year and my last aunt went to the great beyond a few weeks ago, end of May.  Too much death last few years.  I'm near tears today off and on ...but it's a good life, and I'm fortunate.

I love living here at the resort, so peaceful. " Live alone in a paradise that makes me think of two.  Love lost, such a cost, give me things that don't get lost, like a coin that won't get tossed, rolling home to you."  Neil Young's song "Old Man".  I remember singing that song back in the 1970's when I was a teen, now I'm almost a senior citizen.  Just like I often sang Van Morrison's "Tupelo Honey" or the Elton John/Bernie Taupin lyrics from the album "Tumbleweed Connection" song "Country" Comfort".  The words go something like this "I saw Grandma yesterday down at the store, You know she's really doing fine for 84.  She asked me if sometime I'd fix her barn.  She needs a helping hand to run the farm.".  Check them if you read this okay?

I have a good week planned, with celebration, relatives and friends.  Weather has improved after a week of rain off and on.  I'd like to say more about me because it's unfair to people who lay it all on the table and here's the mystery woman without a real name on Facebook or a blog.  I just can't reveal all.  My alias at Facebook is for my book series and even for that special interest I've not updated it recently.

I help my 87 year old mother a lot although she still lives in her own home in a gated community.  We travel together.  My education is English major at university level, but I abandoned it and married early. My past work history was culinary school in San Francisco, California back in the 1980's.  Reason for going was I liked cooking and wanted a good school on my resume.  My idea came to fruition and I spent many years as chef in world class hotels in Canada.  My husband and I were apart off and on.  I realized chef work was going to be too physically demanding as I reached my mid 40's so I went back to college and obtained an honors diploma in Tourism and was a travel agent for awhile, then back to being a chef and travel agent, two jobs for many years.  Here's some pics, Oahu 2015 when I went with Mom.

Me at the Duke statue, Honolulu

Me at Waikiki, surfing - always swim with a buddy - first rule of water safety!

Me at the Byodo-In Temple, Oahu

As far as my identity, just go with it, please.  I want this separate identity as my refuge because otherwise, Facebook or whatever I'd have former schoolmates, workmates etc asking to be my friend and no way would I refuse them online - I just can't.  I'd also have men I knew casually from my past try to romance me. They say I'm sexy.  Many have tried to bed me and all have failed...but I'm willing to get into a new relationship.  I'd have no problem finding a lover ...but I'm super selective and others say I'm intelligent. I'd rather be known for being kind though.  I believe intelligence and kindness go hand in hand.

I need a man with an interest in English Literature, a kind man, a man who knows a lot about music and loves nature and animal rights, environmental causes.  Not a lot to ask imo.  Oh yes, and a sense of humor like me and he would like to travel to warm climates:)  And maybe have the money to do that because most men don't!  I have my own funds and a house paid for, no mortgage, and I have a Jeep for those off road nature adventures.

 My fantasy book series is my escape and my name MsMerlina is my safety net.  A few people know who I am and that's good for now.  If you want to know more about me - you know who you are!! - just direct message me at Twitter and we'll go from there, thanks!  Now that I've spilled my feelings, I don't have to worry because my followers are few on Twitter, intentionally, to help me remain MsMerlina and not Lou N of Lake Country!

Thanks for reading and please feel free to message me at Twitter...yes, I want to meet & you know who I'm talking to!


Thursday, June 16, 2016

The "Stairway" debate

I can't be quiet about this Stairway to Heaven trial...although I'm quite aware opinions are everywhere...everyone is unique and each person has a different perspective based on many things - life experiences, values, emotions, ability to reason etc etc.  Everyone wants to think of the best outcome in any situation, right?

If you love people and see them as beautiful, they can do no wrong, usually.  You always find reasons for what they do.  But then there's that nagging feeling that just won't go away - like I have right now during this trial about the song copyright.

I'm a lifer superfan of Led Zeppelin.  I was 13 in 1968 when LZ was first talked about in our little BC community.  This was a dark, dangerous, heavy band for the new teens - they were our band.  My older sister had Rolling Stones and Beatles, James Taylor and Cream.  Led Zep was my band.  I was hooked.

As a lifer fan, I heard about the song Taurus by Spirit a long time ago online, maybe I heard about it around the year 2000 at a Led Zep online forum. When I heard the song Taurus I felt instantly it was the beginning few bars of Stairway to Heaven - a very strong feeling of recognition and marvel...and many feelings all at once.

When I was burning cds courtesy of the free now defunct Napster I burned a copy of Taurus around 2001.  I still have the cd.

I have followed Led Zep off and on for almost 50 years.  I've seen most of the online interviews, have all the music, have read interviews, have witnessed conversations at various Led Zep forums on the internet, and have LZ bootlegs from around the world.  We are scholars of LZ - we could have university degrees in the history of LZ, some of us.

Now, Randy California.  He was born on Feb 20, 1951.  Same day as Kurt Cobain, same year and a few days after my older sister mentioned above.  She's gone, too.  So is Kurt.  Randy drowned in Hawaii.  He died same day as my father, but 4 years later.  Randy was a Pisces Chinese sign of the Rabbit.  That's like a double Pisces.  He died without contesting the song...because he knew the truth would come to light.  The truth would come from way below the surface and shine for all to see.

I'm glad this trial is happening in the lifetimes of Robert Plant and Jimmy Page.  It would be worse if it happened in 20, 30 years when no one could speak for themselves.  I feel sorry Randy California is not here at the trial to speak.  I feel sorry he drowned saving his son...

And I feel sorry Jimmy feels he has to defend LZ and say he doesn't remember ever hearing the song Taurus.  Jimmy is a stickler for detail.  You mean to tell me he heard of the song and never listened? You mean to say he didn't remember touring and opening for Spirit, or speaking with Randy?

What Jimmy may mean is that music is a free domain of discovery and all the chords already exist. When you love a band you always find reasons for what the guys say. Yes, I believe great chords of music are part of nature.  A few examples come to mind...like the inspired 4 notes of  Pink Floyd's David Gilmour's Shine On You Crazy Diamond (another Pisces btw)

My belief is great harmonious music exists in nature...in the natural sounds of birds, in every sound and sounds have meanings we understand on a deep unknown level.  The sound resonates with us. Chords in music are discovered, not invented.  Randy California, a perceptive discoverer musician in tune with an elemental universe at that moment, discovered the opening bars of music to Taurus, the same musical notes in the opening of Stairway to Heaven.  Randy discovered the sound, wrote it down, and then Jimmy Page & Led Zep explored the sound from there.  The beginning of a song is what draws a person in usually, or a chorus imo.

Of course I love Led Zep.  Randy had a door open at the beginning of a Stairway...and Led Zep made it a great song.  The underdog here is of course Randy.  When you struggle to make a living doing what you love, you sacrifice, and you don't have money you're in survival mode.  I've been there.  Maybe the guys of Led Zep struggled with money until 1968...so they are removed from what it's like to think of survival day to day.  They are wealthy and they've brought joy of music to millions.

My verdict - they are all beautiful, including the lawyer for the plaintiff.  But seek the truth and stay beautiful.

Love, me.

Friday, May 13, 2016

My year in review

Another year has gone by since I last blogged here.  Same as before, I just don't feel the need.  I love my home at the resort and it's a beautiful life, peaceful and calm.  I can do "calm".  I traveled a bit with Mom & little sis, Mexico was a highlight end of last October. I couldn't even swim 2 strokes in the pool there without much arm pain however, reasons described below.

I'm still recovering from a mystery illness.  Last summer I overstrained somehow.  My muscles and tendons were badly strained all over my body, mainly arms and legs.  I refused to take medication because the doctor & specialist didn't know what the prob was.  My doctor of several years retired in July so I'm with a new doctor after that time.  He's thorough and good but the diagnosis is undetermined.  It could be fibramialgia (sp) or even Lyme disease they thought, but I refused to believe it was anything more than muscle and tendon strain. 

September was the worst when I couldn't sit down on a chair without bracing myself with my arms for leverage.  After Mexico, at home in November, my Mom fell at her place and broke her femur.  A neighbor saw & helped her.

Mom took awhile to recover and was at a care home til the new year.  She's doing great for 87 years old - at her home now & mainly independent, driving again!  I put on many miles during the winter, back and forth to help her - now we're back to a more normal routine of weekly visits and daily phone calls:)  She's a great Mom!

I could finally sit on the livingroom floor and do my yoga from a sitting position in late February. Before that time I continued with a daily physiotherapy regime of my own, standing, twisting, bending.  I stretched my muscles at least a half hour each day to lengthen them, make my body stronger and to avoid muscle atrophy.  I feel about 85% recovered now.

My Spring planting is done in my flowerbeds and the garden out back:)  I'm working on my book series and a publisher is reviewing the first installment - let's see if it leads to a contract.

I have new friends here and old friends visit, too!  Everything is good.  I'm thankful and grateful for all I have and I'm glad I can still do things physically.  I'll never take those abilities for granted again.  In winter I had a drastic fear of falling on the ice because a fall would have been brutal on my muscles, unable to take the impact.  I now understand the fear people have when they have mobility problems and the lesson learned, bright side of this experience is to have more empathy and to continue to take good care of my health.  My physical body and mental wellness go hand in hand.  Thank you, God and angels.