Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Seafaring weekend

My previous post was almost a month ago - all is well.  I picked cherries for the last time at my sister's place - one of her fruit trees.  She would have loved to know the place is sold to a family with two young children.  I picked cherries at my Mom's friend's house on another day in mid July.  The ladies are in their mid 80's and they can't climb the ladders.  Those were enjoyable perfect summer days.  I picked raspberries and late peas at my friend's 10 acre farm one afternoon.  She & I had a fun time talking among the rows as we harvested. I'm swimming in the lake every sunny day.  Here's a self portrait I took in my bedroom July 13th cuz in below pic by ferry my shirt is bagged out hence the puffy look!

Last weekend, the BC day holiday I went to Victoria with my Mom & only living sister & bro-in-law, & my cousin.

The above pic is me at Tsawwassen Quay, Vancouver, waiting for the ferry.
We went to spread my deceased sister's ashes on the ocean in the Victoria harbour.  Many years ago she went to university in that city and started her teaching career on Vancouver Island. There were 8 of us including her two children in their 20's & my nephew's girlfriend plus the captain on that little ferry trip. Weather was cloudless and lovely all weekend - the ceremony was peaceful and beautiful.  My sister's funeral was at the end of March and this trip seemed so final, such closure as I watched her ashes float in swirling patterns with our roses of many different colors strewn on the water.
The above pic is me at the little harbour ferry waiting to board with the family in Victoria.  Below is one of our roses floating on the ocean with her ashes.  A final good-bye, sister.  I can see how air, fire, water, and earth are all together with her - and she is part of the elements - free.
I wrote something on July 15th when I was at the beach looking at sparse white cloud formations, over two weeks before this trip and I'm going to include these words in this blog tonight. I'm awake late at night in a warm upstairs bedroom with my fan blowing cool air.  I don't use air conditioning - didn't grow up with it and I try to help the environment. I love summer nights with my dreams of love and my guiding inspirations.

White Dog

Spiral dancers.  They curve to me,
Their wings caress my sweet breeze.
They could be angels –
No haste, no planning,
I can’t plot my course –
Well aware best schemes
Often go awry.
No mad scramble to rise above.
I’m fledgling number 9
In a cool pool of predators –
I’m out here in the open,
Above me an unclipped white poodle,
Paws at a door in the sky.
He’s breaking free like Superman
From a crowd.
I understand his desperation
And survival instinct.
It could be me up there.

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