Saturday, December 21, 2024

Happy Winter Solstice

The minute you say you are a genius, people know you are not. Same as being pretty 😍.  When you say it, that's very vain & not smart, then you are not pretty.  All in the eye of the beholder. We're all different, but I'm finding most people are so far from finding the meaning of life because they really aren't looking. 

Today is winter solstice, and I believe Jesus's birthday 🎂.  3 wise men were astrologers  finding the birthplace & time. In other  ancient manuscripts  it was witches 🧙‍♀️ who claimed the firstborn.

It's all fractals & sacred geometry. Leonardo da Vinci knew it. There's a genius.  I'm an original thinker, that's all. I piece things together based on previous knowledge, & knowledge is fractals extending outward. 

In every ancient culture we read there's a God, a human woman & and a son. All are true history. Jesus is not the last incarnation. It's not like that. He is the newest leaf 🍃 fractal on the tree 🌳 of life. It starts with our sun 🌞 & cosmic Astral wheel of houses, constellations of our creators. It's not sacrilegious to say so.  Jesus existed to help, & he's part of the fractal sacred pattern.

Everything has a purpose. People don't care. Animal colors, feather patterns, fur, body structure, all fractal geometry to be learned. Plants, structure, purpose. They hold cures for everything. AI won't find the truth as we don't know the correct data to feed. AI can't think. You know where we fail immensely? It's our failure to love. 💕 If we love the purity, truth, & goodness of God's creations, we would begin to learn why we are here. 

There's no such thing as light years. We don't "travel through" space yet. There's no gravity. It's the centrifugal force of Earth 🌎 spinning. Current popular theories are no more truthful than my own theories. Prove it. The only proof we have is the existence of love. Evil is live spelled backwards. We know of the existence of evil 😈 all around us, too. 

Satan thought he could do better than God. He cannot. God created us & he, whether he is an alien or some being He will protect us if we believe & call on him. Our bodies are our wifi temples. 

Happy ❣️ holidays. I'm a full time caregiver now, but she was finally admitted to a longterm carehome, starting January we think. I love her but it's next level exhaustion. She's like a child going backwards. A child learns things, grows, is rewarding for the parent. An elder with dementia unlearns things, regresses, and it's not a rewarding feeling for the son or daughter. The silver lining is the person with dementia has no idea they are unlearning. Love ❤️ and heartbreak all rolled up into Christmas 🎄 and we still find the joy. Peace ☮️ 

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