Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Happy New Year of the Tiger!

 Hello all, and best wishes for 2022!!  I'm sincere in my wishes.  I love people and I volunteer a lot, most recently to take down the Christmas decorations 🌟at our complex.  In the past, that activity has been a favourite part of the festive season because since I was a child, I look forward to new beginnings, a new year!

However, my faith is dwindling regarding the capabilities and intelligence of mankind and womankind.  We are facing a crisis on Earth🌎...one which we have not seen, have no guidelines as to what to do, and still we persist with old outdated methods of having meetings, talking about it and doing very little to save us all from disaster.  

I'm referring to the climate crisis, the pandemic, the wars and uprisings, the foolishness continuing in the face of our extinction...and it hurts powerfully because the world is supremely beautiful with so much to learn, right in our faces, yet we don't explore the possibilities.

Here, without shouting, and without a platform to stand on, I will present to you the method of change.  Let it be known, please, I do have intelligence mixed with extreme logic, to the degree I've jokingly been called "Lady Spock", referring to the Vulcan of Star Trek fame.

First, forget about talking politics to men and women.  That will not change anything, especially now.  Humans cannot solve anything politically as we know, or we wouldn't be in this crisis.  See...that's my extreme Spock logic.

Second, we will look to a higher power, above man, be it Mother Nature, Supernature, a creator, or perhaps aliens, to show us the way.  The crisis is now beyond our capabilities of human reason, as proof is all around... we can't cooperate to the degree necessary for our salvation.

Third, too many words.  An Indian on land where I lived previously told me this about white man, and "too many words" holds up everywhere.  Unless the words are profound poetry with a rhythm and meaning beyond our understanding, like in some famous books or songs...it's basically "too many words."  Even here where I'm writing.  It is said the mind wanders after 30 seconds.  So, take a break and please carry on reading.

Fourth, we have to explore the obvious right in front of our eyes, like why are there floods, and famines, and droughts, and forest fires.  We know why.  We screwed up in the biggest way possible as inhabitants of Earth.  We are not superior to an animal or a plant, or a rock, or a lake, but we act like we own these things.  It's so very basic, we can't do anything until we explore how we fit into this world, and not exploit our surrounding supports... notice, I will not call them "resources" " they are not ours and not "resources."  They are "sources", a key word.  Look up roots and origins of words for clues to our existence, please...and maybe you can help discover something of value for all of us.

Fifth, my heart is broken knowing children are dying of starvation in Africa when that continent can be the richest, most powerful country known to man in our present values.  How's that?  Solar power, of course.  Africa can harness and sell solar power to the entire world.  End of fossil fuels.  Find a way, scientists and the brilliant among us.  Finance these people to find a way immediately.  Problem solved.

Sixth, I won't say stop greed, that's impossible, even if the planet dies...greed won't stop.  As I said, a higher power will have to step in and show us to look at the plants, the birds, and everything with respect.  We should not be eating animals.  It's killing the planet and they have much to teach us.  They started the pandemic because we enclosed them, abused them, and mankind is cruel.  Think about it when you put your mask on because the days of no masks may be over.

That's it.  Lady Spock has spoken.  Now I will continue on my no meat way, respect nature, and hope to God,...yes, God. I will be happy in my faith of the creator and know I will not look to men and women to solve problems, but they will be in my life always, if we are kind to each other and look to our highest nature.

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