Saturday, September 19, 2020

My Potato Chip Theory

 Here's a good interview by Bob Dylan in the New York Times and I've always liked reading what he has to say about things because although he is obviously an highly inspired artist, he's also folksy at times with wisdom, reminding me of Mark Twain. But there's only one Bob Dylan, thank you.  

Bob Dylan's views re the younger generation, those in their 20's and younger, brought to mind my potato chip theory, which I've recounted with others as I reminisce, thinking of easier times of few choices.

You may call them "crisps" in the UK and I'm referring to those bags of thin potato wafers.  Here is an example of choices...young people...and a reason I think why we are in such a state of confusion, although there's no easy way out.  I'm quite serious.

When I was a child, a baby boomer generation, back in the early 1960's, we had fewer choices...about everything.  We had one type of potato chips in the grocery store, in bags...or at the corner store, whatever...I can recall only one type - plain salted.  We were excited to see the ripple chips next, which were ridged...but still plain salted.

The next few years brought a big change...BBQ potato chips hit the shelves!  You needed napkins for those as the orange salty residue remained on the fingers.  Paper towels were not yet invented, those rolled types.  Next in quick succession came along salt & vinegar chips, sour cream & onion.  Now thousands of brand and varieties of potato chips are on the market, including non-gluten, vegan, nonsalted etc etc. We didn't have those choices when we were children in our privileged societies, which made things easier for us.  We could go through the day without all those decisions every minute.  It's just too much now, and of course we're ruining the environment as we provide all these products, all purchased so corporations can compete with each other and have their days of power, acting like Julius Caesar or some other high profile historical figure.

Now the preteens and 20 somethings have thousands of choices of everything, from food items, to computers, to music politics.  They are not conditioned to make a correct choice...they don't know what a good choice is.  They were taught to trust their elders and everything is a good choice in their minds.  Everything is at their disposal.  They can't be led in one direction or the other.  It's not their fault.  They can't see a clear and correct choice. We did it...we are at blame.  Why?  Maybe because in our privileged culture we wanted the children to have a great advantage. Sensory overload, indecision, and confusion resulted.  

They have allegiance to no brand, no politician, no great cause.  In a way they are more free than we are.  It's just my theory, not a fact....but then everything is theory when you think of it.  We can prove nothing, not even in physics.  But then again, I don't believe in gravity.  I think it's a celestial "Push" spinning the Earth, not a "Pull"...and I'm not alone in this belief!  You can Google it!

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