Friday, May 8, 2015

May musings

Hello.  I forgot about this blog mainly.  Years ago I posted so many entries and now I see nothing since November.  I guess I've moved on, not just physically.  I don't know...this blog reminds me of other times, not really nostalgia, just different times. Loved ones have passed away in the years after I began "The Path of Lu".  I've grown.  My enthusiastic approach has totally changed to one of mellowed retrospect in many instances.  I can't be who I was before...and I don't really miss that person - too strenuous, too much striving, not going with the flow.

I read something interesting yesterday at the massage therapist's place, while I was waiting for my Mom to have her neck and back massage completed.  I read about 'positivity'.  It went something like this

Positive thinking is good if a person takes realistic steps to accomplish goals.  A person must believe she can reach these goals.  Belief is important.  Positive thinking is not at all like wishful thinking.  Many people have wishful thinking and it doesn't lead to their goals.

To me, this is a very good description of the difference between two types of thinking...and sometimes people engage in wishful thinking when they believe they are thinking positively, hence nothing materializes.

I've been a positive thinker for a long time and I'm reaching my goals.  I'm in a good place now and life is happy.  I don't have to reach out all the time with blogs.  It's not where I'm at.  It doesn't matter who sees what I write.  It really doesn't long as I have peace within and I'm happy.

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