Saturday, November 24, 2012

More Love

Sometimes I feel lovesick.  Maybe the short days are part of it - darkness at 4pm.  I should have included a sunset pic today - was tangerine and dark pink - and I missed part of it, distracted by something.  That sunset won't happen again on November 24th 2012.  So many things won't happen again, ever.  Sometimes I want things to stay the same, at least the illusion of calm and stillness - there's comfort in touching my rock collection, remembering where I picked up random stones - knowing I took them from a place under water, or near a mountain path where no one has looked closely at them or picked them up for maybe hundreds or thousands of years, maybe never before.  They are magical, resting where my tiger brooch with emerald eyes and slinking body stalks an unseen prey on the rockpile.

I chose at random, face down,  my animal totem cards today, meditating.  The deck is soothing - it stays the same and selections change.  Today I picked the mountain lion and the fox...and the snake.  This is an active oracle and one I have to be mindful of - but it's all good.  Yes, I've learned to look into things, link pictures, totems, night dreams - I've learned these things to survive, to be ready.  I'm ready for my love to manifest - to happen in this life very soon.  Here's a proem (prose poetry) I wrote in the heat of summer this year.


To dream of you when night’s dark agents
To their preys do rouse –
To rest – my bedroom fan in swivel half rotation
Turning like a moonflower
To send a puff of stirred air
To me every few seconds
Synchronized as a song.
I wish each soft touch of draft
Would be your caress
In half sleep – the sweet spot
Between this world and the other
You’re with me –
Your perfect nose and sensual mouth
Breathing me gently in, softly
Healing that place of longing
With your kisses
Whispered on a tan line
Of my naked body – the place
Near my lost identity
Removed so surgically and precisely
Years ago with a faint scar
Reminder on the pale unsunned skin.
I ache for your beautiful mouth and lips –
Sometimes I see your curved smile
Or I hear your voice
Accented half god tones –
A sound sending waves
Becoming my body and mind –
Unearthly and more than spoken words
Wonderful and sensitive
Protecting me from all that is unsightly
Keeping me from daggered sentences
Eternally a loving touch
Never telling a lie with your kisses.

This is a marina at Wood's Lake Winfield on Tuesday where I took a pic from inside the restaurant.  I went there with my Mom, Aunt Jean who has dementia and she lives in a seniors care home not too far from there, and her friend Gladys - the octogenarians & me...I do what I can to help while there's time...and we had a nice time. Weather was typical Okanagan overcast Fall day.

Til next time...I search the signs & love nature every day.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hockey night & halibut

Last night was so west coast Canadian for fam & me.  The first snowfall of our winter season didn't turn to stuck, prompting me to get my sandbags hoisted into the back of my ole Mustang before I headed out to supper at Mom's.  In past years I've done too many doughnuts on the road due to the rear wheel drive, spinning 360's around corners even with my good driving skills - and with sandbags but only once in a while so let the games begin!

We had halibut - it was caught & frozen by cousin Janice's husband when they were in Haida Gwaii before the earthquake.  I poached it with fragrant herbs and lemon - it was so good!  Next cousin Jer, Mom & me went to a local WHL hockey game.  I don't know what will happen with the NHL season this time but we're kind of missing our hockey and there's nothing gained by sitting & talking about it like we're sports commentators on TSN.

We all have our theories about what should happen, why things happened etc but to me it's just not "sporty" for the business end to totally run the game.  Players are usually "good sports" to begin with - they're athletes while out of shape business men don't have the same main principle of exercise, health - both physical and emotional.  All involved should set a high standard of behavior and Lord knows "the suits" don't get it because let's face it, they tend to be more nerdy and they don't understand sportsmanship.  Really, what are we teaching the little children?  That's my belief in simplifying this issue as the main thing's a game & it should be!  I like men in general to be good sports, to really know what teamwork is, to be joyful and have fun.

 I don't know if it's so much a Canucks (Canadian)  tradition to be hockey fans...more like memories of games watched with people no longer here... and good times because we like hockey.  I couldn't get a good pic with my cellphone camera but here's the ice with the inflated Ogopogo mascot in pre-show!

This match wasn't the most thrilling as our team was way ahead all the way through and final score was 8-1 but it was fun.  Tiny tots teams during first intermission were so cute and!  Their jerseys reached almost down to their skates, some of the littlest guys!

After, we went for tea at Mom's.  We saw computer slideshow pics of my cousin's trip to Turkey a week ago he got back from visiting friends there.  Just think, he could have been in the same vicinity as Viggo Mortensen and Kirsten Dunst I said to him!  They are filming "Two Faces of January" there.  Since I didn't take my car to the game once again I felt Canadian - warmed up my car, walked all around it cleaning off the snow & scraping ice from the windshield!  All weather is good, no matter, so refreshing I told myself!  It was beautiful, at night so quiet and sparkly.

Also I've been watching vids of Robert Plant and his band in South America. I saw an enthused young male fan collide with Robert and a security man onstage and it looked like it was the security guy who bowled Robert over - this was in Luna Park, Buenos Aires, Argentina.  Looked like the fan wanted to give Robert a hug - seems RP is fine.  Of course the incident is removed from YouTube but the concert looked lovely and here's a clip of that night.

Til next time have a good time as we ramble on through winter!