Sunday, August 9, 2020

World views

Today was a beautiful August day here at the resort, my home for six years  I'm having a nice time shutting out the world because I feel somewhat powerless during this pandemic.  I loved watching the grasshopper fly into my garden and land on a big green squash leaf.  I loved the bumblebee exploring every tiny blossom on my sunflower, and I know each flower will become a seed for me to eat.

I loved sitting at the beach by this lake and no one was there, except for a few paddleboarders and kayakers passing by, as well as mallard ducks.  The eagle came by for lunch again, appearing from blue sky and plunging talons into the water close to shore with a splash, lifting a fish into the air.

We could solve world problems step by step.  Unfortunately we don't have enough kind, intelligent people working together so...I can't see it. This world is a mess right now, now way to sugar coat it. 

First, we must accept nature as a superior force. If we were kind and smart we would see nature is the answer.  No factory farms, which will be future breeding grounds for diseases, no gmo's, no wet markets, no clear cutting forests, no more pipelines, no speciesism.

RESPECT.  Respect those who have tried to make our world better in past generations.  Yes, mistakes abounded and we evolve year by year.  In my opinion the riots have to stop.  It's like the worst behaviour coming out at the worst possible time. 

Go home to your families or comforts and count your blessings.  Anyone on the streets destroying property is raising Hell, literally imo. They are not thinking of the people who are trying to build things for them, people who want a nice, happy, life.  The hellraisers are not thinking of the taxpayers who will have to pay for repairs.

If people think they can do better, run for office and try to help that way.  I don't see anyone in America stepping it up, volunteering to run for President, except Kanye maybe.  Americans are so quick to criticize and blame, yet they don't want to volunteer to help.  They can't even wear masks or stop gathering on masse, most of them.  I don't even want to think of what will happen when Canada opens the borders.

In fact, I don't want to think of anything right now, except for love and good people who are kind, because I always say, intelligence and kindness go hand in hand.

A pic of me with birthday gifts last month and my gal pal, Cindy, at Brandts Creek.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

August greetings

Happy Lammas or Lughnasadh !  A traditional day of marriage, which could be null & void within a year and a day if ceremony took place on August 1st.  I always thought if I got married again it would be on August 1st.  I wrote many years ago

At Lammastide when I will marry
Hawaiian ginger I shall carry,
My bouquet at Lammastide
When I become my lover's bride

Originally it was "gladioli I will carry" but I changed it to "Hawaiian ginger" after visiting the islands.

I'm feeling well.  We have a heat spell going on here & I'm glad to be at my place near the private lake on Indian land.  Who knew I'd make such a good choice years ago, to be protected a little bit from the pandemic hopefully on this property, whereas mainly all other lakes in the valley are public and really super crowded this BC Day long weekend. Here's a photo yesterday as smoke started to roll in.

When I lived in town, many people didn't know back in the '80's and '90's all beachfront is public and they dared not set up their umbrellas and blankets on the beach in front of houses.  Now, you could have a home where strangers sit in your yard at the shore with their items including personal bbq, not just walk past as they did years ago out of respect for your privacy.  Not here on Indian land, not happening!

Still, I look forward to getting a place on a tropical island, for wintering, if I live to see the day.

Besides, forest fire smoke is moving in, perfectly timed with the heat wave, because as always it's a neglectful human caused fire somewhere in the hills nearby.  At least I had a few days of clean air...if you don't take into account the haze of steady emission streams from vehicles of tourists and locals.  I like good classic vehicles I can't talk.  I have a classic 77 Mustang and a newer Jeep...but I was here first...sort of...after the Indians. Perhaps the soul of a race car driver jumped into my body at the day of his death when I was born. I'm comfortable with cars, know the sounds, repairs, parts, etc.. I drive properly not recklessly.  Race car drivers are careful as well, they will tell you.

Yes I love humanity but people are acting a little more crazy than usual in their boredom of social distancing, wanting escape.   I'll be the next one to say "I can't breathe!!".  Seriously, let's work on the problems the pandemic has exposed and we'll be ok.

Here's a pic of my garden. My section is up to and including the iris speary leaves. It isn't so quaint, but produce is good.  I have tomatoes, squash, herbs, cukes, peppers, beans, rhubarb, raspberries, gooseberries, red currants picked, finished peas, spinach, and lettuce.  I have fresh cherries in the fridge and I'm going to make a big peach pie soon to take to Mom's, as I bought new huge pie pans.

Time to go sit by the lake in the shade for a bit, forecast 37C temp.  It's not a Purple Haze but a grey one.  I'll be content with my place in life at present and hope for a splendid future in my official government acknowledged retirement!