Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Long time away, what happened? Lots

Hey all, it's ridiculous how long I've ignored this blogger when I used to visit here almost daily for a couple of years...but times change I guess.  Interests change, everything changes...everything is in motion, nothing stays the same...these are the truths in my life anyway.

Here's a link to my relative's second edit of her book, the beginning of the "Star Water" series.  She's called it Silver Rain and you really should check it is a very authentic, reaching for the stars truthful book about things we should really think about in life - the concepts of time, space, love, creation, continuity...huge topics beautifully presented...
this book is like a flower blooming, opening - complex yet so easy to look at and purity shines through.

So what happened since February?  Lots - I moved very my new environment - so serene and healthy.  I lost a cousin... and my husband in the Springtime...we were apart but I still consider myself a widow - I married for life.  I have our memories, a turntable and LPs, our music reminds me so much of him, the way we were.

Anyway, I appreciate my God, my health and I'm ever thankful to the great spirits helping me along the you all.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Check this book!

Hey all, I read a wonderful romantic, suspenseful book and I want to pass the link on to you. I've promised to help with promotion and here's why I think you'd like Star Water - Book One - Sweet Sorcerer  Luvelle is a promising new author - I know her personally.

Sweet Sorcerer is almost Alfred Hitchcock style in the suspense - so much tension you'll be nervous as you turn the pages, yet so understated everything looks calm on the surface.  Motivations, plot turns are hard to predict.  You really are not certain what's going to happen, or who is good & who is bad.  You'll never guess what direction this story will take.  It's a hot romantic read with a supernatural story.  The main characters, Merleena & Owen, their friends & family are so realistic they jump off the pages.

Do yourselves a favor, even if you are not a young adult reader, & pass it on!  The book is currently free at Swoonreads, a new online imprint of the well established Macmillan Publishers, one of the "Big 5" publishing houses.  As well, the author, like me, is involved in animal rights & environmental causes so you know you'll be giving back to nature if you read and rate Sweet Sorcerer online!!  If this book is chosen for publication in print, more awareness will be spread regarding our Newest New Age!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Ides of January

Here we are halfway through January, which are the ides no matter what month they are in, not only the Ides of March - bit of trivia.

Just dropping by to say all is well.  The full moon is almost here and I don't want to get carried away and say too much tonight.  I'm packed full of emotion and peace is what seems blissful right now.

Maybe I'll include a video instead.  This is Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon"  When I was young my fiance and I listened (yes to that question too - I know what you're thinking) to it a lot...besides the album being great we didn't have a big collection of music back then.  Watch the storm happen and the heavens break loose near the finale.

                                  Good night.  LOVE IS ALL.