Friday, June 14, 2013

Thank you, thank you very much, Elvis!

Last Saturday I was glad to attend the inaugural Elvis festival up in a secluded mountain campground resort area a few miles from my place.  I went with a few friends and we had a great time!  Onstage, one Elvis tribute artist described us as a "boutique crowd" - a truly fitting description.

A beautiful venue...and the weather held nicely without a drop of rain.  This event was held for charity and organizers did a fantastic job - in fact it may have been a blessing the crowd was intimate as many people were able to spend time talking with several tribute artists and the casual atmosphere was like....once in a bluemoon...which was actually the name of this festival!

The nine Elvis artists were amazing! Each one performed his tribute in a unique way.  I have many of the King's cds, movies, biographical books and framed prints in my collection as I've loved his artistry since I went to the first drive-in movie with my parents.  My sister and I, little kids at the time, sat in the back seat in our pajamas and I can still remember some parts of "Kid Galahad".  Wow, what an impression he made on me.

Also, my father, who passed away several years ago, resembled Elvis in facial features and body build - many people remarked on this especially in my Dad's 20's to 40's...but then who knows how Elvis Presley would have looked in his 50's and 60's.  I was lucky my father was with us at least until that age...

Thanks to all tribute artists and event organizers & attendants for making this event a wonderful time.  I wish I could have been there for the gospel music on Sunday as Bret Elvis suggested.  Here are a couple of pics to show June mountain scenery and lovely people who I was so fortunate to meet up in the hills!

Blue moon
I saw you standing alone
Without a dream in your heart
Without a love of your own