Marilyn Monroe's birthday is June 1st. The video below is accompanied by a last interview given by Marilyn. She's beautiful because she's intelligent... or is she intelligent because she's beautiful. She's a Gemini twin I continue to reflect upon the mirror imagery (posted in my last entry about the glittering movie Gatsby). The interview is lengthy and very revealing. If you want to learn about how she perceived fame, her life - please watch the vid. Marilyn is practical and imaginative - not so messed up as people think...and she has a way of relating her experiences in a positive light. Happy Birthday, dear Norma Jean.
Last summer I wrote a poem at the beach, without any corrections, line after line in a stream as waves came to shore at the lake. Not saying the poem is intelligent or fantastic...but it's my spontaneous art. The title reminds me of the Elton John song "Candle in the Wind" written by Elton back in the 1970's and performed during that time. Later he rewrote the song for Lady Diana's funeral. Coincidentally, my anniversary - although I'm not married anymore, was Marilyn's birthday, June 1st. Here's to my dream lover...
Candle in the Breeze
Save me. I’m hot.
This sun today
Finds all of me –
I’ve nowhere to hide
Spotlighted in heat
waves beside
A gold green
I rise and wade along
the shore
Seeing you in cool
Of my memory – You
Facing me, fair and
“Farewell, my love”
you say
And miles and days
between us
Reminding me of crime
Where the first 24
hours are crucial.
A month and more has
passed –
Traces of your
voice. I find evidence –
A little black
balloon deflated and floating,
Happy Birthday and
stars written in white.
I come back to shore
and let it dry
Before adding it to
my collection
In my beach bag.
A coral opaque pen,
dots of moisture within –
I pick it up, wipe
the damp sand
Surprised to see pink
red ink
Like the color of
When I write on white
Is this you trying to
tell me
You think of me,
Gifts like jewels
strewn about
By my hovering
concerned angels
Who know I need
something, anything
To raise my spirits?
I’m thankful for
these pink and black surprises
But I’m only learning
to see
And I wish for signs
easier to read –
Something certain in
a life haunted
With uncertainty, a
time of insecurity.
I dream of that
balloon, full and aloft
Tied with a long pink
ribbon to an outdoor patio
Where you sit on a
big warm cushioned wicker chair
With me lounging on
your lap
My tan arms around
your strong shoulders,
A breeze stirring
silver wind chimes
And one coral candle
On a ruffle white
icing cake
Upon the wicker table
A dancing candle
And you and me
Not needing to make a