Friday, December 28, 2012

The world in me

One of the best quotes of  Deepak Chopra is "you are not in the world, the world is in you."  I have all the world's magic and mystery within.  How to manifest it?  We all learn every day.  Good health in all aspects is helpful to obtain clarity and vice versa.  If  I look at a tree, I'm looking at me...the earth connects us.

When I felt sick last time I posted, things were not clear...that's why I'm mentioning it now.  We need to thrive in this world, not to just exist.  If  I create, I send new branches with bright green leaves out into the open to make oxygen.  I help others.  Birds come to me and animals rest in my shade.  Roots search deeper into the unknown and find the significance of minerals.  I feel electric energy from the sun, earth, air and rain or snow.  This is my new year - the length of days increase.  The Mayan Long calendar has completed a rotation connected with smaller wheels, only once in 26,000 years this happens with all calendars combined.

This is a new era.  My celebration days have been many during Yuletide holidays - no liquor, no meat but I'm not alone because others do the same.  Mom, my niece & I went to Kamloops and celebrated with relatives prior to Christmas and we came back home, had a few of us here in Kelowna on Xmas eve and the big day, more tomorrow which is good!  Everything is good and there's snow, which makes things festive.  Here's a photo of a Christmas tree silhouette at my cousin Janice's place in north Kamloops by the golf course, near the cloudy mountain.  It was a fun time and we're thankful.

On Boxing Day, Dec 26th I was thankful to watch and record the Kennedy Center Honors first aired on tv 3 weeks after the actual event.  I loved the entire show, especially the Led Zeppelin segment of course because I'm such a lifer fan!  Jack Black's tribute was very good, imo - he's a superfan and showed respect and admiration without grovelling lol! - like some people might have done.  The Foo Fighters, well give them an A for effort and they tried but...Led Zep just were very very cool.  Back in the day, LZ's energy was perfect -  their hair wasn't shaken just for the sake of shaking it.

Anyway it's impossible to come close so...why say any more except that Heart, which is the Wilson sisters of Vancouver, did a great job of Stairway to Heaven as did Jason Bonham on the drums, all the musicians and choirs were so enjoyable.  The song is heavenly and spectacular...a few lines were omitted but still it was an awe inspiring event while Jimmy, Robert, and John Paul looked great!  They were lovely British gents up there on the balcony.  Here's a vid of the beautiful moment in time!

Happy New Year!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Under the weather

I've not been a bundle of energy lately due to a nasty cold I can't seem to shake off!  Last cold I had was almost 3 years ago.  This has been going on a week although I went out several times & tried to get stuff done for Christmas etc.  Not serious enough to worry about but I don't want to get bronchitis for the hols so I decided to take it easy for now.  My thinking is foggy tho so I'm not going to post very much tonite.

I think it's great Led Zeppelin was honored at the Kennedy Centre for their lifetime contribution to American Arts - at the White House.  Also David Letterman, Dustin Hoffman, and Buddy Guy.  Kudos, guys!!  I'm glad Natalia Makarova was honored, a ballerina of highest skill & art. I could just imagine sitting at her table at the dinner with such highly artistic cultured people, wow.  Or at Led Zep's table would be nice. They were the elegant British gentlemen in their tuxedo jackets. Sweet!  Honestly the dinner seemed noisy and crowded at the event, what I saw on YouTube - more space would have been appropriate but maybe that's just my cold & fever talking.  Here's a pic of the honorees

Finally Barbara Stanwyck is being featured at Turner Classic Movies this month - a marathon of Barbara movies each Wednesday and some on Thursday.  She is so versatile, beautiful, elegant and super inspiring to me.  Fortunately when I got sick last week I was able to sit with my box of tissues and honey Earl Grey decaf tea last Wednesday Dec 5th, watch and record Barbara of the 1930's and 40's, my fave era of her movies.

Oh my, that's all I can write tonite.  Here's a pic of Barbara Stanwyck, who helps everything look brighter and more beautiful in life.