Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Butterfly Dreams

I keep a dream journal - a few years now.  Sometimes I write something down when I'm half asleep then I can't decipher my scribbles in the morning.  Looking back at the journals - there is a small stack of them now - there are entries where scenes in the dreams happen later in real life...recognizable scenes with not the same actions.  I don't know what it means - I don't know what prophecy actually is and no one can claim to know what it is, nor do I claim to be prophetic because there is no real definition of that word. I believe there is little we understand about everything and nothing is really factual...nothing.  Life is all theory, all natural laws of which we have very little perception.  What's more - we don't try to explore natural  laws.

There's a new book I want to read.  It's by Rupert Sheldrake titled "Science Set Free" in N.America.  In England the book has a different title.  For example, we don't understand the homing instinct of migration yet we claim to understand our planet.

With migration in mind, I want to tell you about my butterfly oracle.  The Mourning Cloak butterfly is dark, almost black with a yellow trim on the wings.  I didn't know the species name, was a bit taken aback when I Googled the description and finally saw the name - because I'm missing my departed sister and this butterfly messenger was making an appearance throughout my summer, until the first day of Autumn.  Not the same one but on 6 different occasions - totally diverse environments - once on the way to Christina Lake, way up by Beaverdell on the side of the road when there was a traffic lineup for a minor car accident way in front of us.  The last time I saw the Mourning Cloak was at my friend's after we picked some plums, by her garden hose the last day of summer.  The pic isn't clear.

I'm drawn to certain people in my life through dreams in the same way.  People make an appearance and then their appearance becomes apparent in my daily life through a few events that become more than coincidence...and I start to realize there's a reason...and I pay attention.  They come to me and I follow my dreams.

My dream last night was vivid and one worthy of my label "Superdream" in my journal.  Here it is...and btw, unless it's super smexy I don't consider my dreams Freudian in nature...I'm more old school...or ancient oracle school lol!

My dream was...I'm walking south on my property on the lawn and a big beautiful yellow butterfly (about the size of a teacup saucer) is fluttering above me, flying in a southerly direction.  It's a solid deep yellow color and has a fuzzy body like a plush toy, but it's not a moth.  A man approaches from the east by the hedges and he turns to face me about 20 feet away with the butterfly fluttering between us.  The man is about 70 years old with grey hair, rather solid build (I don't recognize him) and he carries a butterfly net, a small opaque pastel mesh, held aloft.  Instantly I'm concerned he's going to trap it so I raise my right arm and the butterfly lands on the back of my hand, held aloft.  I say to the man "this is mine."
The man asks "What do you feed it?"
I don't answer.
He says "It eats starfruit."
I still don't answer and I walk with the butterfly which becomes a fluffy tabby grey striped kitten with white paws so I place the kitty on my lawn where it happily rolls around.  I pick it up again and the kitten becomes a bigger butterfly, about 12 inch wingspan and I place it on a branch where it flutters slowly, changing hues from purple to pink to yellow - like one of those solar lights.  Now 6 or 7 people are with me, including Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin.  I wake up.

In real time, Led Zep had a press conference about the release of their "Celebration Day."  Thanks for using the name, Robert!  Looking forward to that!  I looked at the copy of my letter I wrote back in 2007...another story.  Jimmy is a mage. Dark hours of this morning was the anniversary of John Bonham's death, 32 years gone. I said a prayer.  His legacy lives on, thanks to Jimmy, Robert, JPJ, Jason, other loved ones and many fans.

I'm reading "Two Faces of January" by Patricia Highsmith - Viggo Mortensen will be in the movie!  I love the book - lots of suspense.  Next I'm reading "The Hobbit" as I read it many years ago and that movie is coming out, too.  After that I may read "Science Set Free".  Also I'm hoping to publish my own book - hopefully soon!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Desert and Blue Moon Baseball

Two Sundays ago, the 26th my friend Mary & I went to Osoyoos for the day.  She has parents & two brothers in the cemetery on the hill and we put flowers on the graves.  Mary & I have an understanding based on over 30 years of friendship - we don't have to talk about some things.  We just know to stay positive, like having a picnic at the beach there, stopping at fruitstands for cherries, peaches and nectarines, and fishing at a small lake on the way home at sunset.  No fish caught, but lots of fun!  Here's a photo of our view from cemetery hill in Osoyoos, in the heart of B.C.'s pocket desert territory.  Irrigation is necessary in all vineyards and orchards.

The Labour Day weekend I went with my Mom to bordertown GF and we met up with some people there to watch the baseball tournament for a few days & nights in a row.  We went to a relative's cabin at Christina Lake, I swam (water is warmer than my lake!), visited some folks we know and headed back to the games.  The weekend was great!  Lewiston Truckers of Idaho won the tournament for the 4th time out of 5 years I believe, not absolutely sure on the stats.  Our timing was rather interesting - out of the 6 games I attended, we saw 4 Lewiston games...and they are an amazing team to watch.  They work at it, don't make major mistakes and they're a really solid strong team.  One game they made some mistakes though, and they lost.  That game was a rollercoaster and highly entertaining although cringeworthy at times.  Here's a photo of a night game around the time of our full blue moon, and the Truckers are in blue.

This area in the foreground is the 'beer bleachers' where my cousin & I spent some time - quite drunk up there although I sat with my can of ice tea!  It was fun.  We had a great weekend...and I hope to go again next year...not just be there once in a blue moon!

Here's a piece I wrote on the beach mid August.  Now we have the end of long summer days and warm evenings here in B.C.  September is a different story always....

Indigo Verbena

My answer to the color purple
And shapes of things -
Everything is just surfaces
It's all geometry
Nothing is yielding and fluid -
Curvaceous and flowing
Beneath, unless perceived as so.
Rivers don't run, sweetly meandering
Until each drop moves ahead
And each drop tumbles
To the stones.
I won't go to you 
Until every thought tumbles
One into the other ahead of me.
And you won't see me
Until this starred verbena in my hand
Is seen for what it is -
An indigo umbrella, ruffled and fancy
For garden creatures who gather 
Our sacred thoughts
In drops of water
In a warm and quiet August night
With illusions of softness
And a gold dappled highway
Above us in directions invisible.

A lovely photo I was happy to take outside my Uncle's place where we stayed in GF.