Saturday, June 30, 2012

Proems - Life and Death; The Path of Lu

I was looking at my book of "Proems" I wrote in 2008.  The reason I called the book "Proems" is combined prose and poems. Some people think poems are old school & precise rhythm patterns.  I don't know, but prose can be patterned & harmonious as well imo.  I find these themes in the book are still very applicable in my life today.

I'm sending & receiving strong energy patterns.  I'm convinced reality is what we make of it.  If we don't perceive something, it doesn't exist in our lives.  I'm thinking our present state is mainly our creation, and we project into the future.  What is fortunetelling?  If you move your hand to a phone and speak to a person on the phone can  you predict what will happen? Yes, most of the time. Lol, it's not science or magic but both imo. If you meditate a layout of Tarot cards is it by chance the layout occurred?  No because you moved your hands & picked those cards even though you didn't know what was on the other side.  It's all the same thing.  Every action creates an equal and opposite reaction - it's physics, too. no harm...the mantra of the real supernaturalist.

Now, can I project and create an event?  I should be able to, if it does no harm.  This is 'tricky' though, because the 'future is not ours to see', reason being is because basically we don't know the chain of events ahead of our projection.  I, like the fabled Morgan Le Fay, am curious and let's hope it's all for the good.   Here's a few more verses of "Proems - Life & Death; The Path of Lu.  Missing my sister, 100 days gone.

Now waves are breaking, noisy, rushing.
Today opaque aqua white tops
In masses, bursting, popping and releasing
Bubbled sweet fresh air on shore.
Wind is in water, wind is on earth.
Everything changing to stay alive.
Aerated water, breathing, renewed, rhythmic.
Nothing stops, nothing stays still –
Stillness is an illusion.
A painting changes with light and moisture.
A photograph fades but captures a moment,
Like a reference point to what?
Oh, this is a pic of me seven years ago.
Where have the years gone?
Nowhere – they are in my hands
In the photo.  Time does not go by.
It is all ‘now’.

Inevitably, a forest fire in the south.
Later this year. 
Thanks for the tardiness in arrival
You smoky flames.
I enjoyed your absence.
Now days of hazy honey light,
Mountains a blurry dusky chalk blue
Meeting the sky
Without a defining line between.
Surreal water grey blue
Shining like oil, lapping at the shore.

Scent of smoke – darker day
Like before a rain.  Instead of rain,
Ashes – specks on flowers, settling.
Thin grey dust of ashes
On the patio table,
On my windshield wipers when I drive.

I have lots to love, all kinds of love.
Family love is one love,
Romantic love is another,
Nature is another,
And another.
There is no limit to love.
I can’t say I have only so much to give.
The capacity should be endless.
I love the color of the chocolate Labrador dog
Down the shore.
I love his demeanor too.  He is sweet.
Sometimes human dynamics
Are outdated exchanges to be changed,
To become new and better ways.
You are the art of a script written.
                                                        You are the life of a code unbroken.

                                                                         My inspiration
Is a beautiful Earth angel born of fire and water and wind.
When he moves his body, turns his head,
Every angle is perfection – a gift from creation.
His expression is like a child’s – honest and free,
Full of imagination and wondrous.
His face is balanced and lovely,
Sensuous and strongly featured and extremely sexy.
His eyes pierce my soul.
So intense is his look
He sees me in all my incarnations.
I’ve known him for centuries
When through eternity he was my child,
My father, my brother, my friend
And my lover.
He is not my other half – he is part of me.
                                                                          He is me.

And now a photo from my fave film noir "Double Indemnity" 1944 starring Barbara Stanwyck & Fred MacMurray.  Barbara's birthday is July 16th...4 days after mine on the 12th...but not the same year.  Here's a pic from the female inspiration, Barbara Stanwyck.


Monday, June 18, 2012

The trip for Mom & me

More than a week ago we went on a trip - just my mother & me.  We really needed to go somewhere new, somewhere without memories because so many things every day were reminders of recent sad times.  We're recovering - the trip was a turning point.  Everything went well, we became really happy during that weekend getaway.  Weather was lush & green, cool & rainy.  It's refreshing.  I won't complain about weather in my life hopefully - life is precious and I'm glad to be alive.  I say it's normal, rain is good.  Lucky it's not radioactive or nuclear - we're blessed.  The sun came out at times.  The town where we stayed in BC was small & we enjoyed the small hotel & shopping.

Idaho is lovely, Lake Pend Oreille was silver blue and sparkling in the rain. I went up close and felt the water.  Up close it's so clear and deeper there's clear aqua color.  The sand beneath has a copper tint.  There were tiny purple blooms on slender stalks in sand on the beach.  I picked one and brought it home.  The hotel on the lake was really nice, good fresh food, and everywhere people were friendly & natural.  I really like Sandpoint.

The theater was a highlight.  I was so glad the manager reserved our tickets as the evening was sold out.  Viggo was a dream - very awesome.  He's wonderful up close and personal with people, so inspirational and we had a lot of laughs, too.  His sense of humor is great - Mom & me loved our evening!  Thanks, Viggo!  I'll always remember that weekend.  Here's a pic of the theater before we went in.