Friday, September 10, 2010

Last beach day on the wings of Mercury

I spoke of August in my previous blog. Here's a pic of one of the last beach days at the lake around the corner from my home, end of August. I look like I have white clouds coming out of my head on a windy day...the winged look of Mercury aha aha ha.!

Still working on it!

Hello. The last few months have gone by in a blur. I can't believe how fast time is going right now...if there was such a thing as 'time'. That's another story, lol! May, June, July and August comprised mainly of two things...beach and working at my day/night random order. I put in many hours at the worksite and a lot of those hours were nights. I wrote chapters of my book at the beach and then copied the sunscreen scented words to my computer and memory stick at night...sometimes 'til 2:00 am. I'm at Chapter 15, not where I thought I'd be ...I expected around Ch. 20...oh, well - I'll keep at it.

I saw a few friends and family on days off, fit a b-day celebration in there, too. Our picnic became an indoor event that day, due to July rain...but it was fun. I got away to the Shuswap in July, to my cousin Jan's summer cabin - see pic -, albiet briefly in good weather tho...bonus! August was the best month for summer temps, day after day of hotness which I love. I'll take hot over cold anytime. My plants exploded in Miracle Gro assisted blooms in August. They are now very lush, the best I've ever seen in my garden during September.

One of my main concerns is animal rights...always. I've continued to sign petitions and be active in this regard all through the past several months. I do what I can, mainly online right now.

PLease....instead of simply donating to charities you can help. When you see the word "Research" in the title, beware. Many societies abuse animals in laboratories for their so called "research". It is horrific unspeakable abuse funded by general population ...well intended but severely misinformed. Watch "Earthlings"...for example and the 'research' is exposed.

I have been returning envelopes to these societies not with a donation, but with a written request on their donation sheets. I explain "I am an animal rights supporter. I will no longer contribute to a society which abuses animals in laboratories in the name of 'research'. Please send info telling me if this society has animals in labs for experiments. Thank you."

We have to change the way our world views all life and nature. We need more respect. Thanks! Bye now!