Tuesday, October 6, 2009

World Animal Week

This is my 'Free Rangers' pic in celebration of World Animal Week. These lucky feathered friends were strolling about in late May with lilacs in the background when I visited my friend's place for a birthday party. This is the storybook version of how we get our eggs. I wish the story was true for all laying hens and you can help.

Please buy only free run or free range eggs, SPCA certified or from your local farmer.

Here is another paragraph from my book 'Proems - Life and Death The Path of Lu' in honor of the animals. I wrote this summer of 08 - still looking to publish soon!

Today is new. Thin wisps of high white cloud
Trail across west skies above the hills.
A lady jay visited me earlier
Outside my bathroom window.
First I heard the rustling of her immense wings
In the pyramid cedar.
Blue twin feather fans amid perfumed sweet green –
So lovely – like a geisha jay –
Coy, guarding a magic mystery.
Now as I walk on sand a bright blue dragonfly hovers,
Ever restless, looking for a perfect spot to stay
And never finding exactly what it wants.
Time to float out.
Enjoy the week - love and understanding for all life.....