Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My book - random selections

Here is more from my book - random parts

In this dimension today a long piece of driftwood
Floated to shore.
The end is a cobra’s head above water –
Or is it wood twisted upward?
An augury. A snake has made an appearance.
I pull the oracle ashore.
The end is forked.
Driftwood with two curved legs,
One broken and submerged.
A multilevel oracle from other worlds,
Floating in, full of reasons.

The cross, an amazing formation.
There is strength in the right angles – a square.
Yet the intersection is only on a linear plane
Like a cross drawn on a piece of paper,
Like crossroads on a map.
My death is at the intersection of north and south,
East and west. Same with you.
It happens over and over
This party on Earth,
With a mirror ball, a strobe light and a rhythmic beat.

Now another day it seems –
This time a mother duck swims by,
Three tiny babies right behind her.
How can they keep up,
Bouncing on the waves on a blue gray day?
So straight and purposefully they go.
Is she a good mother and why only three, I wonder?
The black crow cries “Gawd, Gawd, Gawd!”
As it flaps black wings above me.
Don’t go there, crow.
Certainly the drop is the lake.
This handful of sand is all Earth.
My breaths of air, rhythmic
Inspire expire inspire expire
The pulse of transparent air.
What transpires – what is ‘now’.
Each breath shows me where I am.
Fire of the sun reflects only some surfaces
Of sand granules visible to me –
Dots of light strewn here and there
Not random but exact as waves pass over.

Inherited information plus accumulated cultural insights.
There are infinite helpful stories shared with me.
Thank you. Right now – I Ching is on my mind.
An oracle of interaction combined to create a scene,
Detailed, like a screenplay.
Elements = scene = life = infinity.
An equation of the absolute
Gracious, intricate.
Pyramids scattered across Earth, not random but exact
Like the sand dots of light on my beach.
Beacons to outer spaces. Crafted for other worlds –
Receptors for the speed of light.
It is all one.
Expand – look to the stars from the top of triangular towers.
Contract – look beside bare feet
Among billions of tiny rocks
Where light is caught then disappears.
Expand – look past the stars.
Contract – look at the sand.
Breathe in, breathe out.
It’s all the same.
It’s beautiful.