Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Turning point of the year

I want to share my views in the following blog. I'm only trying to understand my world, my surroundings - or what seems to be my reality. I want to learn and this is what I've seen. No one knows exactly what we are. I don't say I know anything to be true....just thinking of stuff during this special time of year. I'll be glad if you read or add your comments & thoughts here or at myspace. Thanks.

This is the new year of ancient calendars...the winter solstice and now the length of daylight increases. In many religions this coincides with the birth of a sun or son, the result of a god or goddess and a human coming together...or the result of a galaxy being created. I don't think people should have anxiety about religion...as long as we find comfort in the principle of goodness prevailing over evil, of love as a much more powerful force than hate. My God is within me and all around.

I like many parts of the Bible, the story of Jesus, the son, and believe these events to be true...but in many cultures & histories throughout time there is a saviour. I like reading the Bible sometimes for inspiration but I skip the violent parts. Our sun which shines is also a saviour. Nothing is 'one thing' separate from the other. I accept all the info in the Bible as close to historical truth but I also remember this fact - only in recent times we are allowed the luxury of knowing how to read, a luxury denied most people historically except the elite, the rich, and members of the church. I believe ancient manuscripts were translated to the best of abilities but not without error.

I like to have moments of peace and tranquility during this festive season. I think people and all of life seek comfort and love, and people are truly looking for the goodness of life especially at this time of year. Expression of love is always welcomed. What is our expression, how do we find answers to our needs? One way is through looking at our own god, a very great power and truth and finding our own individual path toward our own heaven. All is one - science, art, religion...if you are looking to put everything into neat separate compartments you're on the wrong planet lol!! Then again, who knows?

There's a small publishing house which publishes separate couplets from contributing authors once a year at this time and all couplets are put together in a poem. This year the poem theme is 'Cold'. Also good news! My book of proems "Life & Death, the Path of Lu" (I've copied parts of it in my previous blogs here on this site) I'm closer to finding a publisher now!

Here is my couplet to be included in the multi-author poem "Cold"

Howling my white craft down the corridor of the Sonora,
Northern electrons spelling crystal to my southern desert love.

To all who read this, enjoy the festivities in your own special way, hopefully with others! I will!

Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Trip to Van, man!

Recently I had the pleasure of going to Vancouver in good weather while the Coquihalla hwy was in good shape! This is a pic of the area near the summit. A wilderness you don't want to be stranded in with a car problem in sub zero conditions but so beautiful at all times.
I enjoyed Van...It rained rivers as is usually the norm & we celebrated a birthday, a dance convention with my niece & her students of the studio held at the Hyatt downtown, shopped around, stayed warm and had a great time! Watch out for M-pathy ... a super dance group with original moves!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Halloween weekend in Las Vegas

Halloween weekend in Vegas was a blast! First evening was @ Michael Godard's art show @ the Rio. Here I am with Michael and my rockin' new giclee 'Alaskan Bear' - a very happy time! Next night I'm with girlfriends for a friend's b-day party and Criss Angel's Believe. An awesome celebration of everything! I can hardly wait to go back to Vegas and see everyone again... don't know when....

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

World Animal Week

This is my 'Free Rangers' pic in celebration of World Animal Week. These lucky feathered friends were strolling about in late May with lilacs in the background when I visited my friend's place for a birthday party. This is the storybook version of how we get our eggs. I wish the story was true for all laying hens and you can help.

Please buy only free run or free range eggs, SPCA certified or from your local farmer.

Here is another paragraph from my book 'Proems - Life and Death The Path of Lu' in honor of the animals. I wrote this summer of 08 - still looking to publish soon!

Today is new. Thin wisps of high white cloud
Trail across west skies above the hills.
A lady jay visited me earlier
Outside my bathroom window.
First I heard the rustling of her immense wings
In the pyramid cedar.
Blue twin feather fans amid perfumed sweet green –
So lovely – like a geisha jay –
Coy, guarding a magic mystery.
Now as I walk on sand a bright blue dragonfly hovers,
Ever restless, looking for a perfect spot to stay
And never finding exactly what it wants.
Time to float out.
Enjoy the week - love and understanding for all life.....

Thursday, September 10, 2009

After Labour Day

This is a pic of my gladiola plant blooming in August. I have many fave flowers and glads make me glad! Beside the plant is my Beauty of Peru - also called 4 o'clocks cuz the heavenly scented blooms open late in the day, more towards evening actually (should be 8 o'clocks!) or on a cloudy day they open.
I find beauty in all the days & now that Labour Day weekend is over, there is still much to celebrate in nature and everywhere.
I'm happy to say I've purchased art by Michael Godard & I will pick up the giclee in Las Vegas at the gallery in a few weeks when I go on vacay there to meet up with my gal pals! The gallery owner was very nice when we spoke on the phone - kudos to Michael for the awesome art and lovely people who work with him!!
Although I hang at the lake all summer long - that's my after work hobby and actually summers are the busiest work season for me at the resort....so was glad to see the long weekend in September! Still I'm reading Deepak Chopra... awesome!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

News in July

The summer is great - I love it best of all. The almighty sun and floating on water. Busy times, too. My summer book right now is Deepak Chopra "The Book of Secrets". He has astounding insight. The ideas of science & spirituality are not separate. His concept is at a molecular level all cells embody our highest aims - a higher purpose, communion, awareness, acceptance, creativity, being, efficiency, bonding, giving and immortality. He says the world is in us, we are not in the world.

Deepak Chopra says we are taught to follow a set of habits and beliefs that totally disregard the mystery of life. These beliefs include -

There is a material world.

The material world is full of things, events and people.

To find out who I am, I must explore the material world.

He says this set of beliefs is binding and allows no room for soul searching or the soul.

I find there is much to think about while I read this book. My basic philosophies differ in some regards. My thoughts include more of a symbolic approach - a scene like what you are looking at, dreaming, or art translates thoughts whereas words are relatively a new concept, an offshoot of pictures, and words do not express my being. Words are communication - and limited. Some people communicate well with words, some people are better with other ways.

The Book of Secrets is amazing, thought provoking & I really enjoy reading it. My perspective is once again changing and I think it's a learning experience.
This painting with the blog is 'Morgan Le Fay' by Frederick Sandys

Thursday, May 21, 2009

News in May

Hello - Surprise no book excerpts this time. Just wanted to drop by. I don't go to myspace in the last few weeks b/c there's too much spyware on there now. Occasionally I'll check it.

I've found other sites of interest - eg finding out more about cruises, an Alaskan cruise my relatives are going on next week. Princess has bridge cams! They are soo cool - you can see where all Princess ships are day & night. Also Princess has wedding cams. Sometimes people are in the room. Very romantic to see and lovely to see the ships all over the world - the next best thing to being there!

Thanks to whoever reads this ...


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My book - random selections

Here is more from my book - random parts

In this dimension today a long piece of driftwood
Floated to shore.
The end is a cobra’s head above water –
Or is it wood twisted upward?
An augury. A snake has made an appearance.
I pull the oracle ashore.
The end is forked.
Driftwood with two curved legs,
One broken and submerged.
A multilevel oracle from other worlds,
Floating in, full of reasons.

The cross, an amazing formation.
There is strength in the right angles – a square.
Yet the intersection is only on a linear plane
Like a cross drawn on a piece of paper,
Like crossroads on a map.
My death is at the intersection of north and south,
East and west. Same with you.
It happens over and over
This party on Earth,
With a mirror ball, a strobe light and a rhythmic beat.

Now another day it seems –
This time a mother duck swims by,
Three tiny babies right behind her.
How can they keep up,
Bouncing on the waves on a blue gray day?
So straight and purposefully they go.
Is she a good mother and why only three, I wonder?
The black crow cries “Gawd, Gawd, Gawd!”
As it flaps black wings above me.
Don’t go there, crow.
Certainly the drop is the lake.
This handful of sand is all Earth.
My breaths of air, rhythmic
Inspire expire inspire expire
The pulse of transparent air.
What transpires – what is ‘now’.
Each breath shows me where I am.
Fire of the sun reflects only some surfaces
Of sand granules visible to me –
Dots of light strewn here and there
Not random but exact as waves pass over.

Inherited information plus accumulated cultural insights.
There are infinite helpful stories shared with me.
Thank you. Right now – I Ching is on my mind.
An oracle of interaction combined to create a scene,
Detailed, like a screenplay.
Elements = scene = life = infinity.
An equation of the absolute
Gracious, intricate.
Pyramids scattered across Earth, not random but exact
Like the sand dots of light on my beach.
Beacons to outer spaces. Crafted for other worlds –
Receptors for the speed of light.
It is all one.
Expand – look to the stars from the top of triangular towers.
Contract – look beside bare feet
Among billions of tiny rocks
Where light is caught then disappears.
Expand – look past the stars.
Contract – look at the sand.
Breathe in, breathe out.
It’s all the same.
It’s beautiful.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

This is the beginning of my book - the introductory paragraphs

This is my new dimension.
There are clues.
This time I see straight ahead to the sculpture at City Park.
Before, it was not visible from the hill.
My reality has shifted again.
Something happened – something profound
Yet all is nebulous,
A dream not quite remembered.
I died again –
In another reality there was my funeral.
The details escape me on this plane of existence.
The people with me now made it through
To my new dimension.
The others did not, but
I’ll never know who they are.
Come with me now – please.
I want to share this present world
And believe it is real.


Our deaths are too much for the psyche –
How can we be happy in an afterlife
Knowing others grieve for us?
How can we meet with people in an afterlife
Knowing they have died?
Even as a child I knew no solution to the concept of heaven.
The only bliss is not knowing we have died.
The only way.
Who would I be with in a linear heaven?
My first husband or last boyfriend –
Or no one?
I don’t know earthly death.
I carry on.
There are only clues of my new existence,
Everlasting life.

Omens are in nature. Nature is perfection.
Knowledge is nature –
Truth is natural and beautiful.
My home is here, in the stars.
My place, the 8th house of Death, Sex, and Business –
That’s my ‘hood’.
All part of a star pattern.
Words are remnants of icons to me –
Words are ancient pictures grouped together.
The tribe communicates to survive.
Say the word to make it real – or write it.
The pattern starts there.
What is my pattern?
That is the quest.
Careful what I say –
I weave my expression,
I want to look like Nature.
I want to be natural –
It’s the only way. Careful.
Nature is strong with only one truth.
I search the omens.


A poem has died.
Poetry was not just an art form.
It was essential.
Nature’s picture rhythms, incantations.
Spell the picture to change reality.
Believe in the picture and walk in that world
Of word creation.
Yes, the fabled ‘spells’.
From MacBeth’s cauldrons to tabloid headlines
Repeated rhythmic ‘spells’ changing the picture.
Spell it.
